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Everything posted by dixidoll

  1. Have removed stitches on my kids, husband, myself, and the dogs. Just make sure they have been in the correct amount of time to heal. Easily done as the earlier posts have said .
  2. Since it is the time of year that the snow will be coming, and the hounds are more indoor, and the ticks etc, are not that prominent out there. When is the best time of year to vaccinate ?? Would it be better to wait until spring to vacinate a dog ?
  3. Duncan1, I agree with you totally that is why I am so very hesitant. I trust my vet, but trust the opinions of ALL , and that`s a lot of hound folks. I do not give mine annual vaccines, I believe the less the better. For all the known reasons, not to get this long in detail. If I do not put it in the body, the better for the dogs. I did not realize that they needed a " Yearly " booster. So, I put it in there, they forever test positive, and am suppose to put more in every year. It is sounding less appealing. Thank you everyone who has given me their opinons and their experiences.
  4. PraireProf----- Here`s another question. The vaccine needs a booster every year ? I also look at it this way that not every tick is affected with Lyme. You dog does not show any sore joints ? Did they say it was the " new " version of the vaccine, not the old original ?? If it was the newer version maybe it is better.
  5. I have heard different opinions about the " new " Lyme disease vaccine. A so called second generation of the vaccine. Many people do not want their dogs receiving any Lyme vaccine, others say they believe in it. Can you give some of your thoughts . If you have given it to your hound and it had a reaction, please tell us what happened. Reading about the side effect, it sounds like they can be life long nasty. Others say they would rather treat the disease then give the vaccine. The vet is saying it is totally necessary and safe. I am totally confused and actually afraid to do it, and afraid not to do it. Totally confused. The deer population here is full blown. I was also told that the mice are also bad carriers of the diseased ticks. I love my hounds and want to enjoy life outdoors with them, and want them to enjoy the outdoors. Walks on trails in the woods and in the grass in fields are really soothing and fun with your dog. What are all you greyhound folks doing about this ????????
  6. I did not know they could include Tapeworm in the preventitive. This would be good information to get.
  7. Hopefully the right meds will make a world of difference. Wishing Jazz the very best.
  8. The dog I have the same problem with is a whippet , it is just a smaller version. I have to keep her toe nails short. If they get just a little too long, the knuckles rub terrible. I am at this time dremeling her nails every week. I forgot during the winter and they got just a little too long again. When spring comes and summer she will be outdoors and on walks more, and the problem will be bad, therefore I am starting to dremel every 7 days or shorter time. It is just tipping the nails so the quick is always showing. Becareful not to draw blood. Her nails have gotten a lot shorter already since the quick recedes back into the hard nail bed for protection. Therefore a shorter nail and no rubbing.
  9. I dremel in the cellar. The dogs are more comfortable with the set up I have there. On the right side of me, I have a small fan that I turn on. You would be surprised at the nail dust that you can see blowing away. I found out about the dust when I got done one time and then took my glasses off and they were totally full, covered with the dust. After 3 dogs, I realized how much was in the air.
  10. I have an 11 year old whippet that had stomach problems . It was terrible keeping weight on her, just getting her to eat, and her poop always had some problems, always. The vet put her on Tylan powder and FortiFlora Probiotics. both can be online without a prescription. The first day she was on the Tylan powder I saw a improvement in 24 hours. She also eats prescription ID food. Can, and , or kibble. Every time I tried her on any store kibble it started again. The Tylan powder has a awful taste. I bought gelatin capsules on amazon for 500 for something like $5.00. I use 2 capsules daily. She is more active and eats everything twice daily. No gases, no grumbling stomach, and ( here we go ) beautiful normal poop.
  11. Thank you very much. this is the web site I was looking for > I am sending her the addy right after I write this !!
  12. A Greytalker gave us a web site that had a lot of information and sideffects of Advantix. I cannot find it. Can someone direct me to it. A work friend has 2 Labs and they are having licking problems and just peeing all over the house. they have been house broken for years. I am thinking the Advantix may be the problem. She said she has used it.
  13. For year and years I have used Heart Guard for heartworm treatment monthly. Last year the vet convinced me to try Interceptor. He said it is a broad spectrum treatment and better. But, is it better for the hounds, greyhounds and whippets. I have trusted my vet for his honesty and sincerity for years. But lately I think they have gone to selling a service and product. Do you all think Interceptor is OK and, is it a better choice for my whippets. I used the other for all my greyhounds for years. I am nervous about any change.
  14. I have sent all your replys, answers, and suggestions to my friend Amy. She thanks you all. She tells me that Gidget ( whippet ) still has a tilt to her head. She looks like she is looking for flies, is the way she explains it. Amy also says she has little ticks of her head almost constantly. Her live and kidney numbers are not right but not awful. The vet suggested a MRI but Amy said there is no way she can affoard it. That is probably why she bought the Bio Spot, ( I figure ). She said it was cheaper. I told her, nothing is better then the chemicals. She feels horrible that this probably came from what she did. I do not think it will ever leave her. I`ll let you know how Gidget is when she lets me know. Now that she knows how we all feel about the topicals she is not writing to me much.
  15. I appreciate all this information. Thank you very very much . My friend is devistated that she put it on and it is her fault. That is the way she feels .
  16. Thank you very much for the information, I am forwarding the sites and all your knowledge. I have not heard any of you mention K9 ADVANTIX. What do you think about that one ???? Do not use or is this one ok ?? After seeing what can happen on that site, I shudder to think of what couldhave happend to her whippet. I just do not use any of them on mine. We have been very fortunate this year and not found and fleas or ticks here. We are ver alert to looking for them all the time though.
  17. I am giving her the information you write. Sometimes i do not think she believes me when I tell her information. Coming from someone else might help. Does anyone know if the effects of the Bio Spot will wear off, or are they permenant damage to the dog. I am afraid to find out the answer. I hope they wear off, but they may have been damaged too much. I feel so bad for this litte whippet.
  18. A friend of mine with a beautiful 8 year old whippet is having neurological problems. After questioning her she applied Bio Spot on her before the incidient. I am thinking that this might have caused this problem. When the vet found out they immeadiately washed her. She is on meds and doing better, but not her total self. I do not know if she will ever be. Was there talk in the past about Bio Spot, I remember something about applications, but not what happened. Any information would help. She is the cutest little white and fawn little girl. Personally I would never use Bio Spot. But she never told me that is what she was putting one her.
  19. In the article they actually are writing about a drug to also use if the cancer is detected
  20. Got this from a friend that has twitter. If this can be true and actually work !! fyi on Twitter today: Great News BioCurex has developed OncoPet, a blood test to be used for cancer detection in dogs. Read about it http://tinyurl.com/nmlrjq
  21. When my dogs have bad stomachs, or the grinds we give Pepto Bismol. The vet told us this is better. My whippets get 2 tablets ( not chewables ) 3 times a day is they are not well. sometimes if it is a mild case, one dose is enough. Being a greyhound , the dose can be 2 or 3 tablets.
  22. Last year, maybe the year before, on my whippet forum this happened. A girl was devistated. Her dog had a gorgeous litter and they were outdoors for only a few minutes, as long as it look for her to get all the pups carried out. They started to act weird. She carried them all back in . Long story short, all the pups except for the last 2 carried out died that day. The last 2 did not walk and eat mushrooms. She did not know they were in the shade area un the leaves. After hearing that my fear of all yard mushrooms went on high alert. I never trust any mushroom with dogs.
  23. In the past I used clippers. Dogs hated them. Changed to the dremel years back and they are much happier. When I first get dogs they need to be introduced to the dremel, I will never go back to clippers. I have their nails down so they do not touch the ground. To do this I have to dremel every 5 to 7 days. It is just a tiny bit, but it takes the quick down farther and farther. With the nails being black this is a tip ( of advice ) LOL. When I dremel, I check with my finger nail on the end of the nail. You will definitely feel the soft quick. Do the dremeling and then feel with the tip of your nail every time. I do not take blood . Cannot remember the last time I saw blood and I do them every 5 to 7 days. I do 3 dogs and it takes me less then 1/2 hour since there is not much to remove. They have gotten so they don`t care or fuss over dremeling. You cannot hear nails on the floors, just the soft sound of thier pads.
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