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Posts posted by MisserGil

  1. I am sorry to hear of your loss.. We received Belle in a plain ceramic white urn. I am going to get a nice Pewter one(to match her color) when I find the right one...

  2. I think all of us say that we will never have another animal after we lose one. But as animal lovers, we are not content unless we have them around. I don't know when it will be right for us to get another dog since Belle died the 2nd of January. I know I can never replace her and I don't want to do that. There will only be one Belle. And yes, we still mourn her death. My 11yr old son will still see something that reminds him of her and start crying. I will call the dogs to "kennel up" or something and her name is always included. Sometimes I still catch myself keeping her name in the pack when I talk with people as if she were still alive. Its really hard sometimes. I do know that the right little girl will come along again to add to our pack. Until then we just wait and continue our work with the hounds. We watch them come into our home for a while and then into their forever home.

  3. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful thoughts.. We survived the weekend with lots of hard work to keep our minds occupied. Tanner is still acting goofy and will probably do so until we have another Grey for him to interact with.


    We do appreciate the kind words from everyone.. Thanks a million..


    Gil & Tim

  4. I do the cremation thing and save the ashes.. Belle will have a special place at home once we get her back. Right now, we have her picture and collars in a special place, with a candle that burns.. We burn a real candle when we are there and an electric one when we can't burn the real one.. When we got home last Friday after she died, I lit a candle for her and made this memorial area. Several friends have mentioned a small memorial service for her. Maybe just a few friends over that were close to her. Its something we are considering. Right now its still all too hard to deal with. I have lost pets before and was very close to all of them.. Each loss is dealt with differently..

  5. The 10th of January would have been Belle's first gotcha day.


    We left here on Friday at noon driving to Philly to pick you up. Excited and scared because we didn't know if we were crazy by adopting you without meeting you and having you meet our gang first. We arrived in Philly at 5. It was very cold outside and snow was on the ground. We filled out the paperwork, put you in the car and headed back home. You slept the entire trip on the back seat. We talked to you and called you different names trying to decide what fit you better. You put up with us. We arrived home around 11 that night.. You were tired although I don't know why after sleeping the entire trip from NH.


    Once we got you home, you were scared.. You met the rest of the gang at home and checked out your new yard. You didn't want to come inside, but we came and led you in to check out the inside. We made sure you were fed and were comfortable. Tanner enjoyed seeing you and meeting his new friend.


    It took several months before you really settled in. You really worked hard at destroying things, chewing things etc.. But we never gave up.. Finally one day, you found the couch. Before the only dogs allowed there were the little ones. At first you didn't want anyone else there with you, but gradually learned that the others were going to do it too.. You soon became a real princess. But stoic all the same. You slept by the bed everynight and you and Tanner didn't like to touch each other.. I guess cooties were a concern.. As time went on and even in the past couple of months, we saw you continuing to change.. You were growing sweeter and more loving each day.


    Then that horrible night of January 1 when you hit the tree. I knew something was wrong with you.. I tried to tell the Doctors what to look for, but they will only do certain things. I didn't want to leave you at the vets, but had to do so. On the way to the vets office that night, you wouldn't lie down on the floor of the van, even with me there.. You had to get on the back sofa where you always layed.. I helped you there and sat beside you.. You were on your throne.


    When we had to pick you up to transfer you to another EVet, I knew that your time was short. I would never have wanted you to have any pain. You were my heart dog. The special bond that we had. Tanner misses you so much. He still goes outside to look for you. He barks and calls your name. He wants to play with you and run with you.. He constantly checks the perimeters of the back yard to see if you are there. We do our best to console him. The sofa is not the same without you there.. I miss your snuggles so very much. Or those looks you would give us when you didn't want to be bothered..


    We all miss you sweet Butter Bean.. Run free and know that you are in our hearts forever. I know we will see you once again. Please keep an eye out for our other furkids and I hope you have a nice soft place to lay..


    Love, Your Dads and Alex...

  6. They can restrict trolls access in many ways, and they can lend a hand to anyone who needs it.


    We all routinely get bombarded with e-mails or PMs from people requesting this or that. You would be surprised at the things that go along with running a forum this size. I know I was, and continue to be.


    Thanks for all you girls do!  :thumbs-up

    Grey Dad, what are Trolls?

    Take a look AT THIS ;)

    Jeff.. This is not what I think of when I call someone a Troll.. But I do like this explaination..

  7. Sending my Christmas Present your way via PayPal...


    Happy Holiday's Everyone... And Jeff.. Cruise ships are nice and it is nice being waited on hand and foot.. I guess since your wife will not go with you on one, either she has to wait on you hand and foot for a week while you have fun, or I will go with you on the cruise....

  8. I love my vet.. She is very sensible and conservative with treatment. A lot of vets are what I call Jiffy Lube Vets.. When you go in there, they are going to find a list of things extra that need to be done. So its always refreshing when your vet tells you that nothing has to be done.. even as a precaution.


    My vet is also a housecall vet and she comes to my house.. The dogs love it. And so do I. Her fees are probably less than if I had to take them to a vet office. She came this week to see Belle. The total vet bill was 40.00. That was exam, housecall fee, expressing her anal glands, etc.. And while she is here, the other dogs wander in and get a look see as well because they all like attention and when the vet comes to your house, its just like another visitor that came to see them.. I highly recommend trying to find one for your animals.. Its worth it.... And another nice this is, if they tell you they are going to be at your house at 4:00 then usually they are on time. You don't have to take off work, go home, load up the dogs, take them to the vet, wait in the office with a bunch of other animals, then wait in the exam room for a vet to come in for 5 mins, then do everything in the reverse order. Even if the costs are higher for an at home vet, its worth it in the time saved... But this of course is just my humble opinion.. And I have been using Housecall Vets since the early 80s when I lived in Atlanta..

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