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Posts posted by MisserGil

  1. Art..


    Since Donald came from us, and we get a ton of houndies from Pam, I can say I haven't placed any of his Siblings in this area..


    JCKC doesn't video or take pics of their races so that will pretty much be out of the question unless someone happened to be there and took pictures.. Sorry about that... Donny is a wonderful boy though and you are giving him a great home...



    Oh yeah Art... I have Donalds Gold Certificate now... Give me a call and I can get it to you...

  2. Art..


    Since Donald came from us, and we get a ton of houndies from Pam, I can say I haven't placed any of his Siblings in this area..


    JCKC doesn't video or take pics of their races so that will pretty much be out of the question unless someone happened to be there and took pictures.. Sorry about that... Donny is a wonderful boy though and you are giving him a great home...

  3. Sometimes we meet a pup and it leaves a mark on your heart. You don't have to be the owner/adopter of this hound for it to make a difference in your life and when its time for them to cross the bridge, they take a little bit with you. I recently met this little girl who took that final journey. I was there with her until the end and cried tears for her as if they she were my own. She is running free again with no pain.


    Sometimes these experiences happen because you are there with a friend or associate to support them. Sometimes you do this alone with a stray that you find that has been injured. Sometimes, its our own hounds. Each time is special. Each time you hold them as they cross over is a special moment in your life that you will never forget.


    So for all of those special pups that leave a mark on your life and leave so quickly, You were loved. You are special in more eyes than you will imagine. And you will always be remembered..

  4. Any new information regarding the server issues??? I have to say that I don't spend as much time over here as I used to because its slower than a snails butt and if you click on a thread, you can't just scroll down that thread, you have to make sure you give it ample time to load or you will get stuck in this blur screen. Although some of that was happening before.. Maybe this is just a way of weeding out people who take up bandwidth without actually adding anything productively. I keep hoping to log on and actually have fun again on GT.... Maybe that is a thing of the past..

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss... I haven't been online much lately and I just saw this..... My thoughts, prayers and gentle hugs are with you as you deal with this.

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