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Posts posted by MisserGil

  1. Toby… aka TB Nitro BlueDog

    December 5, 1998 – April 8th, 2009



    Toby, what can I say about you. You came to us through fate. You were always our pony dog, jumping and bucking around like a pony when we came home. Your energy was amazing but on the other hand you were always standing there to be petted. You touched so many hearts and were loved by everyone who met you. You raced until you were almost 5, and even then you were spoiled rotten. Troy made sure you had the best of everything while racing and you won a major spot in his heart as well. You always preferred being loved on to even eating. You tolerated me dressing you up in ridiculous costumes but loved the attention that you got, Always the Showman. When a leash came out, you were ready to go. At Meet and Greets you were a Gentle Giant, showing people that no matter how big you were, you were gentle and loving. If you someone didn’t pet your head, you made sure it was where they could reach it and would gently nudge them until they complied with your demands. As our oversized puppy, you amused us all of the time with your antics.. When you would come in from outside, you would fly across the room, pouncing on a toy or dog bed and sliding across with your front bowed to the floor. You are free from pain now my friend. You are running and chasing whatever you can find at the Bridge. And I know deep in my heart there are many old friends to play with. You have close friends and loved ones to show you around and teach you the ropes at the Bridge. And as you run, you have a song playing in your ears… “Born to be Wild”. We will always love you and know you will be waiting for us when our time comes. You will greet us as you always did, bouncing around, that goofy grin and loving face..


    We love you and miss you so much..


    Almighty God, Author of all creation,

    By your gentle power, be present for this special creature of your making and our steadfast friend Toby.

    Fill his eyes with a light that he may see beyond this world to a home within your love, where pain is gone and physical facility is forgotten.

    Ease his fear as you brush away our tears.

    Let death be gentle as nightfall, promising a new day when sighs of grief turn to expressions of praise that you shared this beautiful creature with those of us gathered at his side.

    Now Run Boy. Run to the Master of us all.



    By, Rev Jonathan L Heaslet, Senior Pastor

    St Johns United Church of Christ

    Written especially for Toby.


  2. Several things we have done for Tanner have been to eliminate all corn from his Diet.> Currently he is on Merrick BG Chicken food.. Its Grain Free and works well.. Also make sure treats have no Grain as well... Also we used DMG for a while and it also helps... My vet is Holistic as well as traditional.. Tanner is doing well and we have noticed a big difference with watching food he is eating..

  3. Toby.. My big goofy blue boy has not been feeling his best the last few days.. He has had a very low grade fever, not eating much and very lithargic.. Our vet came over on Thurs morning and drew blood and we got the results back.. WOW.. things are all over the place.. Right now he is on a good dose of Antibiotics and we will see how that goes... The blood work does show and infection but at this time we are uncertain exactly what/where its located.. He is getting lots of special loving... Special food.. etc.. The antibiotics are helping some but it does take time.. She will be calling me on Monday and seeing about coming over to do a recheck.. She is Grey Savvy so I know we are in good hands, its just sometimes these things can be so hard to diagnose.. I will keep you posted.. We just want to see our pony boy back..


    Thanks... Gil


  4. After being around for many years as Tannersdad and the other dogs being very jealous and abusive to me and Tanner, I decided it was time to change.. MisserGil is a nickname that I have been given in the GH Community, so that is what my new name is.... Same idiot behind the name but a new name...

  5. BJ alerted me as to your thread.. I am so very sorry to hear that Lee is having some trouble and that you lost your job.. It never seems to end.. You were an angel when you said you wanted Lee.. I look back at pictures of him when we got him and right before he left.. I know how a 10yr old boy and could never imagine giving him up.. We just do what needs to be done.. The sling will help a LOT to get him around and just make him comfortable is about all you can do right now other than loving him.. Please shoot me an email from time to time as I haven't been online on the boards much in the past few months.. Lots of hugs, thoughts and prayers for you both..



  6. Posted for OnrushPam....


    I didn't know you, sweet boy.


    You tried to run at two different tracks. You wound up in a hell hole. Tonight, you died and there wasn't a damed thing I could do. Your race went off at 7:30 and at 7:40 you were dead.


    I wish I could have helped.


    I'm sorry. You deserved SO MUCH more!


    Just know I cried for you, dear one.



  7. Last night Greta snapped a leg. They took her to the vet and found she was full of cancer. They had to let her go. Please keep Amanda, Guinness, Memphis & Brooklyn in your thoughts today as they all learn how to deal with this loss. Amanda will post more later but she messaged me during the middle of the night and asked if I could do this for her...


    Thanks.. Gil


    Run Free Greta..

  8. Ken and Heather.. I am so sorry to hear that it was Erin's time.. You have both loved so many senior hounds and when it was their time, you graciously helped them to the bridge. I thank you for your hard work and the love you give to the hounds..

  9. Blue was a special girl.. As my other thread mentioned, she changed my Christmas day that year.. Its hard to believe that on Christmas morning I was working to spring this girl from Lincoln. We arranged the GUR in a hurry and got her down to Richmond.. I was hoping so much that she would just fit in with the rest of my gang like other seniors and brood moms had.. Blue decided that she wanted to be boss. She wanted complete control.. :lol:lol And since that order had already been established, she didn't like it one bit. Then Mogi Came along and for some reason, they bonded. Mogi needed her and she needed him.. She was able to do her job and helped Mogi come along and learn the Retired way of life.. Thank you Blue, Mogi, Logan, Charles and all of the folks who helped us get Blue out of Lincoln and down to Richmond..


    Run Free Sweet Blue... You will never be forgotten..

  10. I will never forget Christmas 2005 when I found out about Blue... aka Grey's Mirage who had been returned to the adoption kennel back up north.. Her owner had died and she as left alone in the world. We immediately arranged for her to be transferred to us and even though she didn't get along at our home, she found her calling by mothering a foster boy we had, so we placed her with him. Her adopter posts here often. Both Blue and Mogi thrived together in their new home.


    I just received an email telling me that Blue went to the bridge this past weekend.. I am so happy we were able to help her and give her even a year until her time came. She was well loved and pampered and is missed terribly.


    Thanks to the folks who helped us spring her out of the kennel and who participated in the GUR to get her to Richmond..

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