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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, Judy, I'm just seeing this now! I wish I had seen it sooner, if only so you knew you and Chase were in my thoughts. I know his passing was as peaceful as you could make it, because his safety was always foremost to you. But how your poor heart must be aching. I'm so very sorry you didn't have more time with your precious boy. I'm sending you virtual hugs, much sympathy, and white light for strength during this sad time. :grouphug

  2. This may totally not do any good (maybe you're dealing with something different), but it always helped our Polly. She would periodically get a raw and swollen vulva. Don't know if it was a vicious circle---she was licking because it was sore, licking made it more raw, etc. The only thing that cleared it up was a Convenia shot. We mainly tried that because she reacted to everything else the vet prescribed---upset stomach, diarrhea, not eating. No side effects with the Convenia, and it cleared up her little private parts. :blush

  3. DavidLydBrooke1.jpg


    I had to find this beautiful picture, one of my favorites of both of our angel girls. Jan, I can't tell you how devastated I am for you. Your poor heart is still breaking for your beloved Ben, and now Brooke is gone so suddenly. She was the sweetest lady, one who loved unconditionally, and knew she was so very loved in return. No words can ease your pain now, but please know that we are all holding you close in our thoughts and prayers.

  4. Ah, we're not making a whole lot of progress. I tried the longer leash, and that freaked her out. So I went back to the regular leash on her collar, not the harness. And sometimes she will, sometimes she won't. Yesterday, my frustration got the best of me. I walked around my little yard for 45 minutes in 90 degreee heat. No luck. So I took them in, fed them dinner, gave her a little time, then took her out again for about 15 minutes. Nothing. I had to get back to my pet sitting job, so I gave up, which makes me feel like all my effort was pointless. She may have realized that I was going to leave, and that stressed her.


    So I'm going to backtrack for a while. I'll just let her out off leash, so there is a better chance of her peeing. Otherwise, she'll go in the house. She poops in the house every day.


    Good news----I'm finally home from the job. Hopefully I can get her on a more consistent schedule. And maybe she'll be a little more relaxed, since she's still scared of Doug.

  5. I hate that I'm away from home. :weep But I don't know where else she could be right now. I've even thought about bringing her out here (where I'm pet sitting---the owners said I could), but I think that would be stressful to her, and to the 2 dogs I'm watching.


    We'd just been letting them out to do their business, but now I'm going to try leashing her every time. Doug wouldn't be able to do that---she's not relaxed enough with him yet. We'll both be home during the day for 3 days (he's been at work when I'm home), so maybe we can try Doug leashing her when I'm there. Maybe she'll pee to get it over with! :D And I'll make sure he always has some treats or hot dogs. Kiva is very food oriented.


    I like the idea of a long leash! I'd considered that, and will give it a try from now on. Oh, yes, you must NEVER make eye contact when they are doing their business. :lol I still have to do that with Angie sometimes. Calvin could care less. He'll look into your eyes and pee on your shoe. :rofl


    So I guess the most important thing is patience.

  6. Kiva has only been with us for about 2 weeks, so I know it's early, but I need some tips for getting her to pee and poop on leash. It's problematic enough just to get her to go to the bathroom in the fenced yard, but she won't do it at all on a walk. Today I was determined to get her to pee on leash. After a long walk---when she didn't go, but Calvin and Angie both did---I took off her harness in our fenced yard. With the leash on her collar, I literally walked her around the yard for at least half an hour, saying encouragingly, "Go pee" (what we always say). She hadn't peed since 10:30 this morning. She would NOT go. So I got them in, fed them, then after a little while, took her out again, and walked her around. After about 10 minutes, she finally peed! YAY! I praised her, kissed her, and brought her back in.


    So, is this the best way to try and get her to go? We are hampered by bad timing---I am in the middle of a 2 week live in pet sitting job, and though I come home every day to let them out, walk them, and spend time with them, I'm not home a lot of the time (evenings, nights and early mornings). I wish it hadn't worked out like this, but the clients went to Tahiti and Bora Bora, and booked me at least 8 months ago. I had no control when Kiva's transport would happen. So we're stuck with this not ideal situation. It's further complicated by her still being scared of Doug. She's not really a spook, she just is scared of him---won't come to him, etc. So he can't help with this situation at all. She's had a few pooping accidents in the house, and 1 pee. But otherwise, she's great. I knew she loved me, she's so sweet and affectionate, she loves the other dogs, and is good with the cats. She sleeps in the bedroom with Calvin and Angie, and is fine being left alone and un-crated.


    But the leash situation is frustrating. We'll be going to Grapehounds the end of July, and she won't be off leash unless we go to the tennis courts at the Lodge. I'm hoping that she'll go when she HAS to go (and that the togetherness will help with her shyness with Doug), but it would be great to have a head start.

  7. He must have been such an exceptional dog, as beautiful inside as out---and he was VERY beautiful. It's easy to understand why you will miss him so deeply, and to share your sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Vinny.

  8. I hadn't seen your tribute before I read your post about grieving. When I opened this thread, and saw his incredibly lovely silver face, my heart just broke for you. I cried the whole way through his tribute. Please know that the love you shared shines through in every word, and every picture. I can't imagine how much you will miss this "good and noble dog." I'm so sorry you lost your precious Desi.

  9. I'm smiling through tears. You had such an amazing life together! Even missing her so deeply, Lizzie can still bring back so many wonderful memories for you. What a huge empty space that little girl will leave in your home and heart. She was truly a larger than life kind of girl, and your heart dog for sure. I'm so sorry you lost your precious lady.

  10. I'm so sorry for your sadness and pain. I understand how devastating it is to lose 2 so close together. But I also know how bringing a special one (or 2!) into your life can help so much to fill that empty space.

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