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Posts posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Jan, the more I hear about Camp Greyhound, the more my eyes leak. :beatheart


    Me too! Reading your heartfelt tribute, and seeing his beautiful pictures made me cry for your loss, and for knowing he didn't have nearly long enough in your wonderful family.

    But home and family are words that exist in the heart, as surely as they existed in the real place where Bosco spent his last days. He knew he was home because he was truly a part of Camp Greyhound---safe, so devotedly taken care of and indulged, and very, very loved.

    I'm so sorry you lost this precious boy, and sad that you didn't have more time together. But so glad that you found each other.

  2. To say that I am heartbroken for you would be such a huge understatement. Words just don't seem enough to ease your pain, to fill that enormous empty space in your home and heart. It seems impossible to wrap our minds around something so tragic, so senseless. Please be gentle with yourself. Mourn your beloved boy as deeply and for as long as you need to. He was clearly an exceptional dog, as beautiful inside as out. Know he was cherished, and happy in the best possible home. I hope in time, you will be able to find some comfort in knowing that he loved you as much as you loved him.

    I'm so, so sorry you lost your precious Gilly.

  3. I too have lost dogs when I wasn't there with them, and it broke my heart. I understand the pain that brings. But know that this dog had the perfect life with you. The videos are worth a thousand words, though your love shines through in your beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Beau.

  4. I'm so sorry you've gotten this terrible news about your beautiful Chad, and are making the most difficult of decisions. That suddenness is one of the many devastating things about osteo---sometimes you just don't even know until a bone fractures. Because they are often so stoic, and don't let us know they're in so much pain, we are faced with having to make a heartbreaking decision very quickly. I know how stressful it will be (or already has been) having to fly such a great distance, knowing what you do, but it's good that you will be with him. I know what it's like to lose one when you're not there, even though they are in loving hands, and am sending much sympathy.

  5. Thanks, Ducky, for adding Finn. I still get teary eyed when I think of him and how much his Mom and Dad are missing him. He was only 7, and such a special boy. A wonderful pet sitting client who I would stay with for weeks at a time, for several years. I was supposed to stay with him for 3 weeks this December. :weep

    His family gave me so many things that were his, which makes me smile. I think he would like that---he always liked making people smile. :beatheart

  6. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Suki. I know this was a heart wrenching decision for you, but it was made from love. Never pay attention to the sad people who "think you are nuts", or try to diminish the love you shared, and your deep sense of loss at her passing. They are deficient in their souls. :grouphug

  7. Sharon, what hotel are you in? Is everything headquartered at the Sleep Inn? Will tents be there as well? And is that where a lot of vendors are staying?


    We haven't been to Dewey since 2011, but I know that some hotels always got a lot more traffic than others. We vended from our room once---I think it was our last year. We were in the Sea Esta 3, and on the 3rd floor, so I know we didn't get as much traffic as others located more conveniently. Of course, we always sold less than everyone else anyway! :lol But we did okay, mostly early on. We just put our stuff on both beds. But some people pushed the beds to one side, or I even saw people who stacked the mattresses against the wall. I guess it would depend on how much merchandise you had. Some people---who clearly made more money than we did---even got another room, and devoted that just to vending.


    We just had one small banner, which we put on the railing outside our door. You could see it from below, so I think it helped, but we were also the only ones vending on the third floor. We also taped small signs on the first floor, and in the elevator, and the hotel let us do that. I've found that the more popular vendors can pretty much vend anywhere, and people will find them. We didn't have that luxury, and being new, you probably don't either.


    I think the map listing every vendor is a very good---even necessary---idea. People have to be able to find you.


    Not sure I understand why Larry's asking some people to vend from their rooms. Is there not going to be a tent? If there is a tent, what difference would it make, other than that if the weather is bad, you'd be inside if you didn't want to take the chance.

  8. How old is Milo? (Oops, Jen aleady asked that.) And how long have you had him? A newly adopted Grey is likely to have marking issues. A lot of times, a belly band helps with this. Is he an ex-racer? I'm just curious why he wasn't neutered before you adopted him. Most adoption groups will not place an un-neutered or un-spayed dog. And sometimes when a new dog comes into the house, the ones already there might have some dominance issues. Is Milo new or was he there before the other 2?

    In any case, I'd get that guy neutered!

  9. Laura, even the most beautiful, most eloquent tributes don't always make me cry. Celeste's did. Although at the end of a long life, well lived, and absolutely well loved, the loss of your first Greyhound, the one who started you on this journey, is the most heartbreaking of all. I'm so very sorry you lost your amazing Celeste.

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