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Posts posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. He didn't say she was not in pain, he said she was not in as much pain as I was believing she was in. Example, I walked past her when she was on the couch and rubbed her paw, she screamed bloody murder and ran across the room. Did that hurt? Probably not. Did she think I was going to put a warm compress on her neck? Yep, I had a hand full of laundry I was taking to the hamper. He reassured me that I can gently clean her wounds and she's not going to pass out from the pain.


    I did just that, with a lot more confidence, and she was very good. I muzzled her just in case, and while she was not pleased she didn't scream either. I told her, "if you behave and stand still, this will be over much quicker. If you scream, I'm still going to do it." She obviously didn't understand my words, but understood my confidence and body language.

    It does sound like she may be picking up on your anxiety.


    Easier said than done, I know, but... before every treatment, take a deep breath, stay calm and upbeat, and know that what you're doing, while it may be uncomfortable for her, is necessary for her recovery.


    Sending lots and lots of healing thoughts and :grouphug 's from Oz!!!

  2. OMG, OMG, OMG Lauren!!! How horrifying that must have been! Poor Gracie, and poor you!!!


    Sending lots of healing thoughts to your gorgeous girl!!!


    ETA: Please don't beat yourself up over this. It was just a freak thing---no way you could have known it would happen, especially based on the owner's comments.

  3. OMG, Pat, I am in shock. BarbieJade was one of the great "characters" on GT, and it has always been obvious how much you adored her. I can't imagine how devastated you must be to lose her so suddenly and unexpectedly. My heart hurts for you.



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