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Posts posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. What makes this even more amazing is that I don't really know this woman all that well (although she's someone I've considered an "online friend.") We've never met, never spoken, only exchanged the occasional card... and kept tabs on each other through our posts online. And yet she ended up being so moved by Whistler's passing that she would do something like this. Incredible.


    The stitching is positively gorgeous, and the jaw-dropping framing job must have cost a fortune (at 14" square, it's *not* a small piece)... but the thing that really gets me is that somebody else was thinking about Whistler these last few weeks. And to me, that's a really huge thing.

    Wow!!! What an amazing work of art, and what an amazing gift. Got a bit of eye leakage going here...


    Isn't it incredible what a random act of kindness can do to lift a person's spirit? The world would be a much better place if we could all follow that example.


    My deepest sympathy to you for the loss of your Whistler---what a gorgeous boy he was!!!! :grouphug

  2. Does it look like this? If so, it's probably just a histoma. Hailey had one right in the middle of her back. The vet wasn't concerned since she's young, but put her on antibiotics just to be on the safe side... it eventually just dried up and fell off.


    If you're worried, have it checked just to make sure there are no abnormal cells present. Otherwise, just watch that it doesn't get any bigger.

  3. What a beautiful girl she was. You must be so proud of all she accomplished and how much joy she brought to so many people!!!


    I'm so sorry for your loss :sad1

  4. Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry! :grouphug I bet Mike was thrilled to see her though...




    Thanks, everyone. I am a bit numb over this loss. I seem to be losing so much lately...

    I know, Sweetie. But we're here for you if you need us... :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

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