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Posts posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. So if anyone can tell me what lumbrosacral neuropathy is. . I would greatful. I've done online searches and didn't find anything. I asked the vet if it was the same as LS and she said no. Same area, different problem


    Neuropathy is usually short for peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is defined as deranged function and structure of peripheral motor, sensory, and autonomic neurons, involving either the entire neuron or selected levels.


    Lumbosacral would be an indication of where it's located.


    So from what I can tell, it's a problem with the nerves in the lower spine.





    And why am I not surprised that the word "deranged" appears in a description of something going on with Moo? ;)


  2. I/We have never been asked "Why" and that, is a freaky thing to me. I can answer every ounce of it, but to have someone stop me makes me feel...


    Fish, cars and houses rarely get dumped in a shelter or returned to a group due to lack of commitment. Don't take it personally.


    Hopefully the stringent requirements of your group scares off all the tire-kickers (and good on 'em for that)! Stick around and read some of the bounced-hound horror stories and you'll understand why groups take this sort of stuff so seriously.


  3. Not to worry....my boy, Jett, has gotten a couple of these. I did take him to my vet and they took it off and sent it out. I forgot what they called it, but it was benign.

    My vet called it a histoma---I've heard others on GT call it a hemangioma---and it is benign.


    Hailey had one on the middle of her back once. the vet put her on antibiotics, and it eventually dried up and fell off.


    ETA: Not to be confused with a hemangiosarcoma, which IS malignant. As Lori said, it's always worth getting it checked, just to be sure.

  4. I have thought of Millicent so frequently during this past year.

    I also think about her Mother, Helen, and Millicent's dear friend, Hazel, who left her home in PA and drove through the night to rush to Millicent's side.

    Hazel stayed with Millicent til the very end of her life and was always looking out for her interest and comfort, even through the darkest nights.

    May Helen and Hazel be blessed with friends and family to watch over them in times of need, as they devoted themselves and their lives to Millicent.

    Lighting a candle in honor of them all.


    Same here :cry1. What an incredible group of women.


    Hazel is such an amazing lady---Millicent was so fortunate to have her.


    Miss you, Mill :candle


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