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Posts posted by JerseyGirlInOz

  1. My friends grey has been, as she decribes it, making frequent "belching" noises---she says they sound almost "human".


    His diet hasn't changed, but he has also suddenly developed a ravenous appetite---so much so that he's been counter-surfing, which he's never done before---and is constantly underfoot whenever she's in the kitchen.


    My first thought was kidney problems or diabetes, but he hasn't had any excessive thirst, weight loss or vomiting.


    Any ideas as to what might be happening here (or what other questions to ask to get a clearer idea)?

  2. Sadly, my houndz may never know the joy of the Burpdog Biscuit, since they'd never make it through customs.


    But your advice certainly has been worth a million biscuits!!!


    Another GT member was recently making fun of me because I spend most of my time in "Off Topic". My answer? "That's because Burpdog and Batmom know all the answers to the greyhound questions---and post them a lot faster than I ever could." :lol

  3. Some greyhounds just tend to be skinny and that may be Olga's case. I would screw with her digestive tract too much lest she gets the Big D. 4-5 pounds is really not that much.

    I'd have to agree here. I've tried everything to get weight onto Mokkah (he had some serious medical issues that ended his racing career---and nearly killed him---so he was *really skinny*), and for a while there, I was SO SURE it was working---people kept commenting on how good he looked, and how well he was "filling out".


    I stopped at the vet one day on the way home to dog park to find out exactly how much he had gained (I didn't want to overdo it :lol)---and he weighed exactly the same as the day I got him :blink:


    For the life of me I still can't figure it out---the only thing I can surmise is that I take him out for some really big runs sevral times a week, and his muscle tone has improved. I only wish I could stay that lean without trying :rolleyes:


  4. Have you considered trying a probiotic?


    I give mine a half-teaspoon of InLiven Probiotic Superfood daily, but you would probably need to start with 1/8th tsp and gradually build up to one teaspoon, preferably 2x/day.


    In most cases, food allergies/sensitivities result from an inability of the digestive tract to break down the proteins contained in the foods. Probiotics help restore the bacterial balance of the digestive system and aid the digestive process by helping to break down proteins, carbs and fats more efficiently. A natural result of this the reduction (and in most cases, elimination) of diarrhea, constipation and vomiting.


    And like Tylan, it's great for humans too.

  5. Comparing the digestive system of dogs vs. humans with bioaccumulation of toxins is comparing apples and oranges.


    That's exactly my point. A corelation has been made between two biologically different systems without studying both. To make assumptions about animal cancer rates based on human studies is inappropriate.


    I think you missed MY point. The fact that dogs can eat raw meat and their own poop but can't eat chocolate is totally irrelevant to how neurotoxins, endocrine disrupters, and bioaccumulation of toxins affect virtually all living beings. The links I gave you ARE based on animal studies, and clearly state that toxins affect animals in much the same manner as they do humans.


    From what I can tell, your view on this subject seems to be just based on YOUR OPINION, since you haven't presented any actual evidence to the contrary---nor have you acknowledged any of the information that has been presented to you. You've made it abundantly clear that the facts that have been presented to you (if you've even bothered to read them at all) are irrelevant to your opinion on the subject---and you're certainly entitled to your opinion.

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