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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. She was sick again this morning...but she ate most of her mush and she drinks a lot of water and appears to be perkier. This morning I was laying on the floor with her and she laid her head on my chest under my neck (first time ever!) and we both fell asleep like that
  2. Dave found that if we put her moistened kibble and canned food in the blender and cream it she will eat it. I still have to go over to her and feed her a couple of pieces before she will come out to the kitchen and eat. We're still good with kibble and canned dog food mixture. She hasn't been eating all of it but today she ate the full two cups. This is just so unlike her...5 days now of coaxing her to eat. She's definitely not herself but she's eating and drinking and not throwing up. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers...it means a lot
  3. She didn't throw up today...vet thought the blood was just broken blood vessels from wretching so hard. But she still hasn't much of an appetite. DH creamed her kibble up with a bit of canned food in the blender and she ate about 1/2. I bought some tripe but we'll wait until necessary before bringing out the stinky high value food. I wish I knew why she didn't want to eat. She usually eats anything. She seems a bit more perkier so maybe flagyl is helping.
  4. She's still won't eat...so unusual for my chow hound...scary. She's not even following me around the house now. I'm worried but we'll get through this...thanks for thinking about us...it means a lot. Life just wouldn't be the same without the Bailey Blind
  5. I'm so sorry...how sad
  6. that's what i was wondering. is she home with you? Is she doing any better? He thinks it viral...he gave her a shot for her nausea so she'd eat and she is on Metronidazol for 5 days before we go back for a check.
  7. My poor little baby has not been feeling well these last few days. She threw up blood on Saturday but was ok until this morning. She hasn't been eating a lot either. This is my chow hand who licks all bowls clean. When I came home tonight she didn't want to go to the park or play with her stuffies. She's pretty lethargic and didn't even get up for the last bit of my ice cream cone. I took her to the vet this morning and he's had 3 dogs come in in the last 24 hours with the same symptoms. One was still there on an IV. Please keep Bailey in your thoughts. I sure wish she'd get better soon...she's my heartdog and I am really worried about her.
  8. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss...I can't imagine how you must be feeling with this tragedy and the callous owner.
  9. I am so sorry...her pictures are so cute...you have so many wonderful memories
  10. I am so sorry for your loss I'm sure Ember and Jed are watching over you
  11. Continue to get better...ok Soul
  12. I'm so sorry...you did all you could and loved her so very much...that was so obvious.
  13. i am very sorry for your loss
  14. Thanks for posting this...this always helps educate me because I would never have thought about ulcers either.
  15. She will be just fine She will be just fine She will be just fine She will be just fine She will be just fine She will be just fine
  16. How sad...I am so sorry
  17. Oh Robin...I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. But it sounds hopeful!
  18. Welcome from Waterloo...I love to hear from other grey addicted owners...she really looks like she's settling in well.
  19. I am so sorry...hoping for many good days together.
  20. I am so sorry for your loss
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