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My Precious Isabelle

Guest Ferrevergrey

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Guest Ferrevergrey

Many of you will remember the 2 little special needs girls, Rebecca and Isabelle, I was going to adopt from the rat sanctuary. I did end up adopting them and have been supporting them, but left them at the sanctuary because I knew my landlord would go through the roof at the idea of 3 rats.


Well Thursday night I lost my sweet little Belle. It was very sudden and unexpected, there was no signs to suspect anything was wrong. They where out in the playroom like they where everynight, and my friend that runs the sanctuary left the room for a few minutes. When she came back, she saw that Belle was acting strange, and knew she was in trouble and rushed her to the e-vet. Within 30 minutes, it was all over, nothing they tried worked, and Belle was running happily across the bridge. An autopsy showed a heart defect, her heart was to small, and she had a heart attack. There was nothing that could have been done :cry1


Becky isn't handeling it well, I may end up loosing her to. She has to be forcefed to get her to eat anything, she barely moves, she's very depressed and there's very little that can be done other then showing her that she's loved and giving her time. They've tried giving her another baby fuzzy, but she wouldn't have it. She doesn't want another, she wants Belle.


Run free little beany girl, you will never know how big of a hole you've left in poor Becky's heart! I love you sweety, snuggle with Boo and run free of sickness until the day when we will all be together again!!!!!!

Edited by Ferrevergrey
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Guest greytgreys

So sorry.. poor little becky.. well at least bella has been well loved.. not that it makes it any easier

and hopefully becky will bounce back.. they are amazing sometimes

I am so sorry for your loss


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Guest Ferrevergrey

Thank you for your support, and your thoughts and prayers for Becky. She's still not doing any better, she's not even climbing under the blankets, she just lays there, she's making no effort at all :( If something doesn't change soon, I'll probably loose her too!

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