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House Training Issues...

Guest Echogrey

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Guest Echogrey

Hello! We have had our 2 year old grey, Echo, for a month. We are having a lot of house training issues and I'm hoping someone here can help us. Echo came straight from the track. We are crate training her, and when we can't watch her, she is in her crate. We take her outside every two hours, always out the same door, the back door. We praise her when she goes to the bathroom and then let her back in the house. Even so, she still will Pee in the house!

Accidents don't happen often. Usually every couple of days, and it's always when we are not right on top of her. We leash trained her for two weeks to make sure that she couldn't sneak off. Our house is an open floor plan, so it's very difficult to contain her in one room. She will often just go to the far corner of the room and Pee. It is exhausting having to watch her every move all the time!

We have 3 cats that she doesn't seem bothered by at all. However, she has peed a few times in a spot where one of the cats often lays. We are wondering if there could be a connection there.

Echo is an amazing dog, but we are frustrated with house training her. I feel like we are doing everything we should be doing, and we are still seeing accidents happen. And we are using an enzyme cleaner every time they happen, so there should not be any residue left over. What should we do??

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Does she not get walked? If she is just going outside long enough to pee once, she hasn't emptied out.


I would start walking her for at least 15 minutes twice a day. Dogs need to pee usually within an hour of a meal, after a long sleep, or even after some extra excitement.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Echogrey

She gets a long walk every evening. We also go out with her, and she stays outside for awhile in the mornings. She always urinates in two separate places each time we go out. She seems to be a marker.

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Obviously, taking her out in the yard "for awhile" isn't enough.


I would urge you to get dressed, leash her up, and walk her in the morning. She'll be happier all day for it, and she'll have plenty of chances to drain the old bladder, especially if she's a market! It's good mental stimulation too. Smart adoption groups have figured out that those of us with no yards actually tend to give our dogs much more exercise than you lucky folks who do have yards!


Have her checked for a UTI, and if you rule out medical, accept that you are likely not providing her with enough opportunity to relieve herself. She might build to a longer tolerance, but you may be expecting too much too soon.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Echogrey

We ar very blessed to have a fenced-in backyard. Echo gets a lot of play time and potty time in it. We always go out with her to make sure she has had, and taken, ample opportunities to use the bathroom. She runs around our yard every morning until she is worn out. I've seen her pee three times outside, and then still go in the house. Just st trying to figure her out.

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I'd take her to the vet and rule out a UTI so you can be sure you're dealing with a behavioural issue... otherwise you're beating a dead horse, so to speak.


Once that's done, I'd do as GeorgeofNE suggests and go for a walk. I have a fenced yard too, and it's great and convenient, but I still walk my 12 yr old male every morning before work (or any time before we have to leave him for an extended period of time), especially in the colder weather. Going outside in the yard is not enough for him because he's a marker. Both of my females go out and empty their bladders in one spot, but Summit walks around and marks. In the yard he might go 3-4 times, but that is usually not enough if we're leaving him for 5+ hours. I let him out in the yard with the girls, and then I take him for a short walk at which time he'll easily pee another 3-4 times. Sadly, markers always leave a bit in reserve, so you really need to get them to go many times before they're pretty close to empty.


And beyond that, do not let her have freedom unless you are actively supervising. It's exhausting, so if you're not going to be watching her like a hawk, put her in her crate for a few minutes while you do whatever it is you need to do. Coming directly off the race track is like adopting a puppy. A puppy with a much larger bladder and full bladder control, but a puppy nonetheless. Until you've gone 2-4 weeks without an accident, any new dog is under direct supervision at all times outside of the crate.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Shine was pretty much the same way. Even now, after three years, she will, once in a while, pee in some obscure place.


Except for now, while it is too hot, we walk them every day. She is also a marker. I don't know what to say, except to make sure that you clean it up very well. Use Nature's Miracle after you clean it up. Good luck.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
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After 3 months, my male still pees inside sometimes. I think it is more of a dominance issue, than anything else. (4 other dogs in the house these days).


Recently got some urine cleaner from the grocery store, so I spray where he pees. Too soon to say it changes anything...

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Guest Echogrey

Thanks for everyone's replies. We had a urinalysis done and she does not have a UTI. She always gets walked in the evening, but I walked her this morning too. She has had no deliberate accidents today, but I did notice a very tiny dribble of urine where she was laying on the rug. I guess she didn't even know she did it? We keep Nature's Miracle on hand. Any other house breaking advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping someone will tell me that it will someday improve, but maybe that is wishful thinking!

Thanks for everyone's replies. We had a urinalysis done and she does not have a UTI. She always gets walked in the evening, but I walked her this morning too. She has had no deliberate accidents today, but I did notice a very tiny dribble of urine where she was laying on the rug. I guess she didn't even know she did it? We keep Nature's Miracle on hand. Any other house breaking advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping someone will tell me that it will someday improve, but maybe that is wishful thinking!

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