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Ks Bad Boy Chuck Aka Lucky 6/19/06-1/31/17


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Guest FordRacingRon

I'm having such a hard time with him gone. It sucks

I totally understand. My girl was in December and I still have trouble, almost every day. It does get to the point where you know you have to move on and have to join the world again, but little things, small things, seem to reset the clock right back to zero.


I do think a person does get a soulmate. But I do think a person can have a human and an animal soulmate. I think if that dogs is your soulmate,,or heart dog as many will say,,that makes it so much worse.


This helped me the other day. I am watching Kelly Rippas show on TV in the morning and she had The Long Island Medium on. Now I had seen her before and she does seem to speak to the dead,,but I also am a big skeptic because I know a bit about magic (not black magic,,HArry Houdini stuff) and I know how "mentalists" can read an audience. But I had an thing with y girl and an animal communicator at a picnic that just was impossible for her to know so I lost a lot of my skepticism. Things that no one would have even known to tell her.


Anyway, this medium said she is asked all the time about what happens when you die. She said the soul is energy and when you die that energy is released. This energy may do the traditional,,walk into the light type of thing, but also can come stick around at the same time. Or do both It's the part that sticks around is what they communicate with. And this energy can come and go.


Then she say that people that ask their loved ones to give them a sign ,,like if a robin crows at midnight I know you're still around,,kind of stuff is silly. But you'll know when something that doesn't happen or never happens, does. Then does again. Could be their way of telling you they are there are with you still. Could be a smell,,something just out of the ordinary.


With that said, I decided to google to see if dogs had souls. Turns out, in the bible, it does say animals do and can go to heaven (I am Christian). Turns out, Judiasim believes it too. So that really helped me because I know I will see my girl again.


Go to the remembrances of Dec 2016 and look for my girl,,Princess Leia. Look at some of the posts by Racing Dog. Tie this together with what I typed here.


BTW, a week ago, right before bed, I went into the, the place where we spent most of the time together when not walking. The room totally smelled like Leia, She had this unique smell, unlike anything in the world. The room smelled like her,,I just stayed in there for 10 minutes inhaling.

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