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Cuts/chafing/abrasion On Sides Of Toes

Guest WhinyHiney

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Guest WhinyHiney

Our girl has been having issues with her front toes getting abrasions on the sides of them where the neighboring nails rub. We've had her nails dremmeled twice in the last month to the point where the groomer doesn't think she can take any more off (they still click on the floors though) and has rounded out the edges, but the sides of her toes still keep getting bloody on walks. We've resorted to wrapping her toes in gauze and then putting rubber Pawz booties on them to prevent the chafing, but it's a bit of a hassle, and she hates them as well. The vet has checked her out and doesn't think that her toe ligaments are torn, as the injuries are very superficial, more like abrasions than deep splits or cuts, and she is also exclusively leash walked. I wonder if it has to do with her shaking herself when she wears her winter coat, as this never happened during the summer when we first got her. Does anyone else have this problem or suggested solutions?


Thank you!

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It could be the nails on her outer toes are too short. Our boy has this problem; if we dremel the nails on his outer toes too much, they'll dig into the tissue on his adjacent toes. It's a challenge to keep his toenails just the right length -- not too short and not too long!

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It could be the nails on her outer toes are too short. Our boy has this problem; if we dremel the nails on his outer toes too much, they'll dig into the tissue on his adjacent toes. It's a challenge to keep his toenails just the right length -- not too short and not too long!

sounds like that to me. dealt with that w/ felix. damned if you do, damned if you don't when it comes maintaining toe nails!

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Could the inside of the nails be brittle and they might be a little broken and the shards are bothersome? I've had that happen, and just filed them off. Sometimes that helps.... but agree with above on the damned if you do/don't analogy. Sometimes they have to be a little longer to avoid the chafing.

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