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Soft Tissue Sarcoma-Grade 1

Guest tansmith

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Guest tansmith

This is my first time using this site so bear with me.


I have Tony, a gorgeous brindle grey. He is 8.5 years and will be 9 Feb 7, 2017

He is in good health generally and weighs 77lbs and has kept the same weight pretty much for the 6 years and 4 months that he has lived with me. He is a good boy and my heart dog!

I found a lump in his right paw earlier this year and in May I had it removed. During surgery because of the small area the vet was unable to remove the whole lump. The histology report came back as a Soft Tissue Sarcoma-Grade 1 and it had no margins on it, which means some of the tumor was left behind. It is only grade one and has a 20% chance of coming back somewhere else in his body. When he had surgery in May this year his lungs and heart were clear and the bone in his leg isn't affected. However, because they were not able to remove it all it has grown back and some days he is sore and can't walk a lot or limps. Other days he still runs like the wind.

I have gotten a quote to amputate his leg :( I am not sure if or when I will do this. I am afraid not for him to be a tripaw but for the surgery. Especially after reading some stories on other greys having amputations. I do need to go talk to my vet more once I have researched this issue a bit, mostly about the bleeding after.


Has anybody else has this issue with their grey?



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Guest tansmith

Amputate? Omg no! There are other options-Dr Couto has an injectable protocol and there's always radiation. Amp? Can't believe that was even mentioned.

I live in Canada. The closest place for radiation or chemo is 5 hours away. I sure don't want to amputate but I don't want him in pain. I am giving him metacam right now and also he is on CBD and TCH

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Where in Canada are you? It's rather big! My Kasey went through chemo for Intramuscular Hermangiosarcoma and his vet was able to collaborate with Dr. Couto in the US for treatment protocol.

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Guest tansmith

Where in Canada are you? It's rather big! My Kasey went through chemo for Intramuscular Hermangiosarcoma and his vet was able to collaborate with Dr. Couto in the US for treatment protocol.

I am in Vernon, British Columbia-5 hours from Vancouver where the closest place is for chemo or radiation. It grew back fast and is bigger than before. I tried a few holistic things as well.

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