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Heart Attack In Greyhound Waking From Anaesthetic

Guest SnozzlesMother

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I'm very sorry for your sudden loss. It is incredibly difficult to lose a pet during anesthesia, especially an otherwise seemingly healthy one. While anesthesia is very safe in general, there are still risks even when all precautions are taken. In those scenarios there is often no obvious explanation. Unfortunately, anesthesia is often necessary for the health of our pets (and for ourselves sometimes too!) but there is no such thing as a "routine surgery/anesthesia". While it is rare, loss of a young, seemingly healthy animal does happen on occasion. We recently had a case at our hospital, and despite our best efforts could not bring him back. In our case pre-anesthetic bloodwork was declined, so we pulled blood during CPR and did find some abnormalities we could not explain as being due to CPR, so we do suspect the patient may have had an underlying condition. For this reason, we do recommend bloodwork prior to anesthesia even for young spays/neuters. We also offer necropsies in cases of sudden death as sometimes (but not always) we can identify an underlying health issue that caused the problem (such as an undetected heart condition, etc). Sadly, sometimes there is no underlying problem and the patient simply has a reaction to the drugs which cannot be predicted beforehand.


This is a very difficult way to lose a pet. I hope that once you've had a chance to mourn and heal you will be able to see what a wonderful home you provided for Snozzle by trying to give her the best care, and that you will open your home to another hound. I also hope that, while it will be understandably scary, you will continue to provide your pets with the best health care even when it requires general anesthetic. The number of pets that are affected by preventable problems is far greater than the number that are lost unexpectedly to anesthetic. I know that is little consolation when that rare case is your pet. It doesn't matter how uncommon something is, if it happens to you. :(

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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I'm also very sorry for your loss. No words can express.


I did have a similar situation with my Corona after a dental. He did come out of the anesthesia but then never fully recovered and passed the next day. Will never understand why but knowing that giving them the best life we can give them is enough to help us cope.



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