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Ernie And Worms-Ongoing Issue

Guest laura150

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Guest laura150

Hi-does anyone have experience with treating worms in their greyhound? I posted two weeks ago about Ernie having whip and hookworms. He did his three days of panacur (and we had him on Flagyl to stop the diarrhea). Ernie is set to start his second dose of Panacur on Monday. However, yesterday and today he's had diarrhea. This evening's had blood in it. Which means his stomach/itenstines are inflamed probably due to worms that didn't get taken care of with the first dose of Panacur.

I'm set to talk to the vet in the morning but am wondering if they'll tell me to start his second dose of Panacur sooner rather than wait until Monday. I'm also going to get another prescription for the Flagyl.


Has anyone de-wormed their grey and dealt with the issues again? He's not acting sick yet but if it's anything like two weeks ago, I know what is coming. I just want to help him so he's not uncomfortable.

Anyone have this issue/experience?

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When my guy had hook and whipworms I did two rounds of drontal plus about 3 weeks apart. Its more expensive that Panicur, but i like the pill form rather then the liquid for 3 days. Drontal is "one and done". I also added fortiflora to his food for that entire time until about a week after the last dose. His last fecal was negative so I'm hoping they stay gone!

**Shellie with GiGi aka: Good Girl (Abita Raginflame X Ace High Heart) and two honorary hounds Butter and Bella**


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Guest laura150

Thanks! I'm going to mention the Drontal to my vet when I talk to her tomorrow. In between doses of of the Drontal, did any of his symptoms come back? Ernie gets terrible diarrhea and had a lot of blood in it. It's just concerning to see all of it coming out of him. Tonight's was not much but it's definitely showing that his stomach is hurting.


I'm just concerned that he's going to get dehydrated again from all of the diarrhea.

Also, the fortiflora-is that something you get at the vet?

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fortiflora can be picked up at Whole Foods or most health food stores.


Don't forget to pick up the yard immediately! Hook worms live in the dirt for a long time, and you can reinfect your home that way (you too, if you walk barefoot).


good luck! worms suck.

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Guest laura150

Yup, we do. The problem is that we live in the city and do a lot of hikes and runs in public areas. I dig the poop out and make sure there's nothing left.


He was doing so well after the first dose. I figured he'd still have some in him but that they wouldn't wreak havoc on his poor stomach again.


I just can't stand to see him sick and uncomfortable.

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While this is most likely an issue with worms ... there is also the slight chance that it is something else. How long ago was the Flagyl stopped? Since there has been diarrhea, did the vet suggest a bland diet as that would be gentle on the GI tract.

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Guest laura150

The Flagyl was stopped a week ago today and he hasn't had any problems up until yesterday. He doesn't have super firm poop but it was noticeably runnier yesterday and bloody today.


I am talking with the vet tomorrow. I talked to my greyhound rescue person and they suggested the bland diet. I have rice and hamburg cooked up and ready for tomorrow morning.


I'm hoping to get Flagyl first thing in the morning. I'll also drop off a fecal sample and see if it's positive for worms.

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Thanks! I'm going to mention the Drontal to my vet when I talk to her tomorrow. In between doses of of the Drontal, did any of his symptoms come back? Ernie gets terrible diarrhea and had a lot of blood in it. It's just concerning to see all of it coming out of him. Tonight's was not much but it's definitely showing that his stomach is hurting.


I'm just concerned that he's going to get dehydrated again from all of the diarrhea.

Also, the fortiflora-is that something you get at the vet?


I bought the fortiflora from amazon for much cheaper then other places: http://www.amazon.com/Purina-Veterinary-Diets-Fortiflora-Sachets/dp/B001650NNW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398867032&sr=8-1&keywords=fortiflora


I had a lot of problems picking up the poop because of the awful diarrhea, that it was really hit or miss. I did spray the area with bleach/water mix afterward. My vet told me that hookworms are common (at least in Indiana) and people tend to make a bigger deal out of them then they really are most of the time. All of my dogs are on Trifexis, which protects them against the worms thankfully so they didn't catch them from the new guy!


I've read all the horror stories about them in these forums and I was terrified, but luckily my experience has not been that bad at all. Hopefully your vet can figure out what is going on with him and get him fixed up!


A bland diet and the fortiflora might calm his stomach down and let him heal up this time!

**Shellie with GiGi aka: Good Girl (Abita Raginflame X Ace High Heart) and two honorary hounds Butter and Bella**


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