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Pulled Muscle

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Otis pulled the muscle of the inside of his right thigh yesterday (I don't know how... maybe he got up too fast from his ded and the bed slide and he did a false mouvement).

He walks a little on his leg but sometime hop on 3.

Other part of the leg are fine, no corns. When DH massage the inside of his thigh Otis does not like it and cry a little (no screaming just a little cry). It's not swollen.


The vet is clossed today... what can I do to help him?

Ice a few minutes a day?

Baby aspirin? (Whats the dosage for a 80lbs grey?)



Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
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Otis greyhound-data Abbey greyhound-data
"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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Second the cool compresses ... maybe intersperse with some warm compresses since its so new.


And light massage if you're certain its a pulled muscle.


You could use a bit of tramadol to manage the pain, but that can cause panting in some hounds and its only going to have limited affect on a muscle spasm. The cool peas (or cold washcloth in a Ziploc bag) will probably help more.

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that went well..

But Otis got a tiny piece of glass in a pad the evening after.. :riphair

DH got a small piece out but a little infection started.. the vet give antibiotics and deramaxx.. For now the vet don't want to open wider since is really a needle size wound, we will see after the antibiotics if we need to do that...

Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
Tuffy greyhound-data
Otis greyhound-data Abbey greyhound-data
"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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Guest LazyBlaze

^ You could try soaking the paw in warm water with epsom salts, a few times a day, to see if it might draw out any remaining glass. I tried lots of things when Blaze got a shard of glass stuck in his paw and I think it was the epsom soaks that finally got the blighter out. Hydrogen peroxide also seemed to draw it a bit. Good luck, hope Otis hasn't had his style cramped too much by it all!

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