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Any Other Greys Scared Of The Chuck-It Sticks?

Guest laura150

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Guest laura150

Ernie loves the dog park, both for the dogs and the people. However, he is so afraid of someone with a chuck-it stick. Not so much when they have it in their hands but when they throw the ball for their dog. Anything to read into there? Or are some dogs just afraid of it? Do they use anything like a stick or anything in training? I'm not suggesting he was abused, I'm just curious as to why he's so afraid of it.

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Our first grey was terrified of anything that moved over his head. I had to be careful when throwing a toy for him (threw sideways) or I'd completely freak him out and he'd go running. We always assumed that he'd had something dropped on his head before (he freaked if we accidentally dropped something near him too) and he learned in that moment that something over his head could possibly lead to pain and must be avoided at all costs. It's possible something similar happened to your boy.

Edited by Roo

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

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Cookie loved the "Chuck It" and would actually fetch the tennis ball. I had to tap the top part on the ground in front of her and she would drop the ball.


Her phobia seems to be large, random round or oblong objects like watermelon, rock, pumpkin, etc. Dogs can have weird phobias, I guess!


Waiting at the bridge: Buddy James, Cookie Dough, Shelby, and Mac. My angels :angelwings:angelwings:angelwings:angelwings

New dog mom to dachshunds Ginger and Ruger :banana:banana

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Yes!!!! He's fine if I use it, but anyone else and he runs. If they're holding it by their sides, he'll go up to them for pets until it's lifted then he bolts. If I'm holding it, he'll come over to me, gently grab it, walk off with it, give it a quick chew (1-2 bites), then lays on it so no one can use it again. He doesn't appear to like any sticks swinging. He was terrified of my dad's crutches at first, but got over that quickly enough, thankfully.

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Guest Scouts_mom

Then there is my Henry who was terrified of the stop sign at the street corner. Luckily with time he got over it. Sometimes I have no idea what goes on in his brain.

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I'm pretty sure Jeffie would be, if he saw anyone using it. He's scared of balls anyway - though this does tend to be footballs rather than tennis ball sized balls. Several of ours have been scared of rapid movement above their heads. Most have 'grown out of it' quite quickly but Jeffie has not. Pretty sure he'd bolt if he weren't on lead.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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I've never used it. Though I've tried, Annie has no interest in fetching or balls and 99% of the time ignores her stuffies.


She is afraid, though, of long stick things. If I forget to carry a broom or dust mop on the side of my body away from her, where she can't see it, she runs like hell up or down the stairs to another level in the house. Even a shorter stick thing, such as the long swiffers for dusting corners of the ceiling, make her run.

Edited by Feisty49
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Then there is my Henry who was terrified of the stop sign at the street corner. Luckily with time he got over it. Sometimes I have no idea what goes on in his brain.


I'm laughing, and I know that's bad. I can't imagine how difficult your walks were!

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Guest laura150

OK, glad to hear that Ernie isn't the only one with the quirk. Like Annie, Ernie is petrified of the broom/swiffer. He'll run into his 'safe' room, same with the vacuum. Such quirky pups!

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Guest Amber

Fey loves the chuck it, the ball and any ball throwing slaves! I guess it just depends how well individual greys adapt to 'new' things, assuming they've not been traumatised by something. Maybe on their play drive too.

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Guest Lillypad

Funny how posts pop up then you are experiencing a similar issue. Lilly has started therapy visits at a local nursing home. Our co-ordinator wants to put a spin on things and have the dogs do a little show of sorts, highlighting the dog's tricks. Lilly does all her obedience commands well, but really has not perfected any tricks. I thought because she goes through the "tire" obstacle at agility, going through a hoola-hoop would be a cinch.... Well, she is having nothing of it. She hides in the other room, starts nervous pacing and light panting, and will not engage at all. I smeared the hoola-hoop with peanut butter, stood there for 5 min waiting with my clicker for her to at least come close to the hoop. Finally, what seemed like forever, her desire for peanut butter over took her fear of the DOG EATING HOOLA-HOOP; and we made a tiny bit of progress. So for the rest of the week I will be introducing her (via gentle persuasion) to the hoola-hoop. It is my goal to have her jumping through by next Saturday. Wish us Luck, LOL. I always say, it is all about the food. Hopefully, someone here on greytalk can coach you on how to generalize him to the chuck-it, peanut butter, treats.. ?? Could you spread PB and perhaps convience him how "tasty"chuck-its are... LOL

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