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Uti Check: We Finally Have A Plan Beyond Antibiotics!

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So Brandi has suffered from UTIs since we have had her. Our vets were fairly passive, prescribing antibiotics but going no further, as well as charging an arm and a leg. So I finally lost my temper today and hauled Brandi off to the 'local' greyhound vet half an hour away. He treats all the racing greys in the area, so I thought I'd give him a go.


Full medical history taken, and an analysis. We've got antibiotics again because there is some inflammation. But instead of being told to give them and see what happens, we've got other things as well. He thinks it MIGHT be related to stress, because she can be a little worrywort. Apparently that can eventually result in an inflamed bladder wall which, combined with stress can result in all of the symptoms of a UTI even if cultures come back clean. And its possible that Boo has a little 'pocket' in her bladder (there is a technical term. I can't remember it but it might have been where the umbilical cord attached) which harbours bacteria which, when she gets stressed, flares up. This might account for the intermittent nature of episodes we've been having.


So, we've been prescribed Amoxyclav as the antibiotic, along with a course of Zeel tablets. These are apparently a homeopathic treatment which is used for arthritis, so anti-inflammatory, but will help boost Brandi's immune system, and act as an anti-inflammatory for the bladder. Vitamin B1 100 mg daily will be used as a calmer to help settle her down and see if it relieves some stress. Finally, Hipprex tablets will be given for five days once a month which will clear the bladder of bacteria.


I've no idea if this will work, but I feel that we've got a plan, so I'm feeling much much happier about things. No idea if anyone else has tried this combination, but I thought I'd post and share.

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I've not ever had this problem but sometimes just having a plan helps. I'm sure Brandi is not the only one stressed by this point. Hope this helps clear things up.

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Haven't heard of that combination, though I've had the same frustration with treatment for Aston's UTIs. His tend to fly below the radar, so past vets haven't seen the need to prescribe antibiotics, BUT his peeing in the house has always stopped when they finally forked some over! His last vet would often refuse to run a culture because no bacteria ever showed up in the basic urinalysis, and then try to tell me that it was behavioral (no, we have a rock-solid routine, evaluated stressors -- we already tried these things before, thanks!).
Then, I'd truck Aston back in a few days later when he started peeing traces of blood :( UTIs are PAINFUL, and I will no longer patronize a vet who wants to "wait and see" in regard to symptoms that are hallmark for a UTI in my hound.

So glad you've found a vet who seems willing to listen, instead of just beating you over the head with the same useless protocol. Fingers crossed that this combo helps Brandi. :beatheart
Perhaps you could also add cranberry capsules to her food? They've worked for me in keeping UTIs at bay (for myself), though we have had one UTI break through while Aston's been on cranberry. I guess it can't hurt?

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Yes! If this doesn't work, there's apparently something I can inject as well - we didn't go into that because obviously it's more complicated, but we have options. I actually already give Boo cranberry ( but thanks for the suggestion: again, I mentioned it to my last vet who said that it was unlikely to do anything!) because having been told over and over they her urine was alkaline and I should put her on a special urinary diet (by Hills. Yuck!) , I began hunting for ways of shifting the Ph. So she came off yoghurt and gets some tinned tomato as an add in along with cranberry every day. Just need to watch the sodium with the tomatoes. New Marvellous Vet said her Ph was 6 which is apparently great, so that's been working too.


And, forgot to add, the episode before this cost me around $250. This time I had to take toll roads to get there and drive 30 minutes. Even with fuel and tolls, it cost me $140!!!!!! So, better service and advice, for $100 less? Yes please!

Edited by Brandiandwe
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It's nene about a month so I thought I'd update. The week Brandi was on this combo with antibiotics, things were perfect. Then on the same day we stopped antibiotics, we dropped the Zeel tablets to half the dose and she came off the Hipprex. She stayed on the Vitamin B. The peeing started again. So I put her back on Hipprex. Still some peeing. Then I put her back on the Zeel, double dose in the morning, with Hipprex at night. Bingo! Unless we have an unexpected thunderstorm or they're left for too long, no more problems. So it looks like Boo will be on these tablets for the foreseeable future.


She gets a checkup in about six weeks, so I'll check then as to whether this will be ok longer term, but research suggests it should be.


I've just jinxed myself, haven't i?

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Guest Lillypad

It is clear to me that you have been dealing with this problem for some time, so I am sure you have covered all the bases. You didn't mention what your pup was eating. Moisture is a big factor in bladder health. Does she eat a dry food? Does she drink a sufficient amount of water? I swore I won't go here again... but here I go... guess I just can't learn, a sucker for punishment I guess. I seem to get myself in trouble when I mention the "R" word. While I am truly happy that you have a plan and it appears it is working to some degree, but have you considered diet as the root of her reoccurring UTIs. My girl had one when we first became greyhound owners. I thought to myself there has to be a better way to deal with this other than vets and meds. So I researched feeding a Raw diet and so far so good. It has been over a year and all things are well. Some folks avoid Raw because it appears too expensive or time consuming, but you tell us of the time and expenses you have incurred. Raw has a high moisture content, a whole fresh food, full of nutrients. Could it be a consideration?

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Hi there. It's a good suggestion. She's on dry food, with plenty of wet mixed through (tomatoes etc), has plenty of water and drinks regularly (a big issue here because it gets so hot). She's also had raw before, and it made no difference: the peeing continued. The biggest issue has been that there doesn't seem to have been UTIs continuously, and she is housebroken, so it was behavioural and stress related. We'll see how it goes.


I would like to go raw completely, but we have three greys and a small freezer. Logistically it becomes quite difficult! But it is something I'll do if necessary.

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Guest Lillypad

Hi back at you. I truly understand what you are saying about the logistics. I have, on more than one occasion, (give it serious thought) considered adopting a second and even third greyhound. But then the reality of it all knocks me back in place. I want to continue to feed raw. I also want to continue to participate in activities such as agility, obedience and rally, so money is the (evil) factor. And then we won't even go into vet bills. I know you, know all too well about that. I envy those folks that have more then one greyhound, and would love to be one of those people. But as much as I would love to have several, I don't want to compromise on the time, funds and activities that I lavish on Lilly... LOL. I admit this may sound selfish and she is a rather pampered girl... LOL but we are having a great time together. I so adore her. ( And of course you get that, LOL) I hope your efforts to get her UTI under control are successful, no one needs such aggravation . Best of wishes

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