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Guest MrsKuchta

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Guest MrsKuchta

Today is Roobie's gotcha day! We got her this morning, brought her home around 2, let her go through the house on leash, met the cats (that was an experience) and went for a good long walk.


She is currently in her cage and laying down, the cats are avoiding her, and she has plenty of water. (She even went poop on her walk, I was so excited!)


I'm very concerned, because pretty much since we got her she hasn't stopped panting at all. Even when she lays her head down she's panting. Is this something I need to be concerned with or is she still just showing anxiety at being in a new place? She isn't restless, she's laying well in her crate and not whining, i just don't want her to hurt herself!


Sorry, this will probably be the first of many questions, especially if the next cat meeting goes the same way the first one did.

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Sounds like anxiety to me. So long as she's not lethargic (quiet is probably ok since she's in a new place) and is not trying to vomit I'd probably just chalk it up to nerves and wait for her to settle in. You can also check your thermostat. She might just be hot. I've had cases where both BF and I are comfy then we look over and both the dogs are panting up a storm! ha ha. So we drop the temp and put on sweaters. ;)

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Sounds like anxiety to me. So long as she's not lethargic (quiet is probably ok since she's in a new place) and is not trying to vomit I'd probably just chalk it up to nerves and wait for her to settle in. You can also check your thermostat. She might just be hot. I've had cases where both BF and I are comfy then we look over and both the dogs are panting up a storm! ha ha. So we drop the temp and put on sweaters. ;)

I agree with this. Remember, she doesn't have a clue as to why she's in a new place with complete strangers. Her world was turned upside down. An adjustment period is normal.

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Guest Doggone

Autumn panted for a few days until she felt comfy in my house; otherwise, she was fine. Unless Roobie seems to be having other problems, I also would attribute it to unease in new surroundings. :)

Btw, there may also be a temporary lessening of appetite. As long as all her "systems" are functioning normally, that, too shall pass.

Good luck. I'm sure that Roobie will soon realize she has wound up in a wonderful place!

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Guest MrsKuchta

Thanks to everyone, she's calmed down a bit now in her crate. She's laying her head down and isn't panting any more. I've taken her out lots and she made a good lap around the house without a leash (cats locked up) and I think it made her more comfortable. I'm such a worrier!

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Guest MrsKuchta

Make sure she know where the water is :) don't worry so much! Hopefully she has an easy transition to her new life!


No worries, she's got a bucket in her crate she's already found and she also found the cat's water dish in the kitchen....(thankfully the food is downstairs...) and I'll try not to worry...it'll be a transition for my husband and I as well as Roobie!

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Today is Roobie's gotcha day! We got her this morning, brought her home around 2, let her go through the house on leash, met the cats (that was an experience) and went for a good long walk.


She is currently in her cage and laying down, the cats are avoiding her, and she has plenty of water. (She even went poop on her walk, I was so excited!)


I'm very concerned, because pretty much since we got her she hasn't stopped panting at all. Even when she lays her head down she's panting. Is this something I need to be concerned with or is she still just showing anxiety at being in a new place? She isn't restless, she's laying well in her crate and not whining, i just don't want her to hurt herself!


Sorry, this will probably be the first of many questions, especially if the next cat meeting goes the same way the first one did.


Thank you for doing your research and knowing about how some greys are a bit worried about pooing on leash! I too was like "woo hoo, she pooed!" when I adopted my Bella lol.

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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Payton still pants a lot when he is nervous. On his gotcha day, he stood for about 4 hours without resting, panting a good portion of the time. We gave him a kong and he finally settled down.


It gets better everyday though


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Yes, this is the trauma of the transition to a new world. Also she may never have been away from other dogs and this can be hard for some.


Please be very patient and allow her all the time she needs to adjust. She doesn't know you, she doesn't trust you. Allow her to dictate your interactions at first. You will see changes every day. Were are at year two and things are still evolving.

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You're so lucky that she pooped her first day with you! Dane held it in a good day and a half I think, before he finally went in the backyard. Now it's just about the only place he'll go, unless we're at the dog park. :flip

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Guest MrsKuchta

You're so lucky that she pooped her first day with you! Dane held it in a good day and a half I think, before he finally went in the backyard. Now it's just about the only place he'll go, unless we're at the dog park. :flip

She's gone twice now, we walked her to the same park both times and she went. So relieved. Although it was very yellow and soft, I'll take diarrhea over constipated any day (as long as it's outside! Lol)

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