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Still Having Random Accidents

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So we've had Mover for about 6 months now. A few months ago we had sort of a 'break through' where he became fairly reliable to leave out without having accidents, which was pretty much a daily occurrence when we got him. He gets free roam throughout the main areas of the house (we close all the doors to rooms, etc). However, he is STILL having random accidents. Yesterday I was gone all day and he was perfect. Today I was gone four hours and he peed on the floor in the living room, and on the couch. This is definitely not marking either. He was out in the morning before breakfast at 6:30 and went for a walk at 8:30 before we left. Came home at 12:30 and there's pee everywhere. I KNOW he can hold it, but for whatever reason, he's not. He just got back from the vet last week and everything checked out okay. I really don't think it's anxiety issues either. I have no idea what's causing this, but it's so frustrating. He's an otherwise perfect dog for us. These accidents are happening like once a week now, sometimes once every 2 weeks. He even went on the carpet twice in the past month, which he had never done before. I feel like his accidents are slowly ruining my house. ='( I guess I can put him back behind the baby gate again, but we were hoping to get rid of those. I've heard of people using belly bands and was thinking of trying one of those. I feel like we've tried everything we can think of and I really don't know what else to try. I'm open to trying any suggestions!

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I too would check for a UTI. Did the vet do bloodwork at your recent appointment? If not, I would do that if the urine checks out OK.


I would NOT restrict access to water but I would keep track of how much he drinks when, and make double sure he's emptied himself out before you leave.


It could be that he's hearing something outside that puts him just a little on edge on those few occasions when he has an accident. A radio tuned to his favorite station :lol and a Kong stuffed with frozen treats might be enough to help him ignore such things.


Good luck!

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

I was having the same type of problem with El'zar. Although I'd had him a shorter time (only 2 months), he was having random 'accidents'. These were not marks either. I tried using the belly band and he would always get them moved around and pee around them, so I gave up on that. I had the vet check for anything (urine and blood tests) and he couldn't find anything wrong. I've been having someone come in during the day to work him up to holding it for a full day while I'm at work. He was up to maybe one accident a week, sometimes more. I had the radio on and gave him frozen kongs. He was always contentedly working on his kong when I left, and I know he moved on to Miri's when he was done with his. I took vacation the week after Memorial Day and was afraid we'd be back to square one when I went back to work since he'd be used to having me home. But the opposite was true. He hasn't had an accident in 4 weeks. I'm guessing he was stressed and worried that I wouldn't come back, but since I was in and out so much during vacation, he realized I always came back. Is it possible this is happening with your pup? A very mild case of SA?

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Belly bands are for marking, not full-out accidents. If you used a belly band on your guy, my thought is that he would soak it, then be left for a period of time, causing bacteria to spread. That will almost always result in an UTI. It sounds to me like he was never 100% housebroken to begin with and has too much freedom. I'd confine him to one room using baby gates. When he proves trustworthy, gradually expand his space.

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I don't know where I read it, but some puppy training books indicate that if there is no medical problem (UTI, medication making him drink too much, kidney issues, etc.), and is still even rarely messing in the house, he just isn't truly potty trained yet. I've read that your dog/puppy isn't truly housetrained until they have not done anything improper in the house for 6 months. The periodic mess in the house indicates that it still isn't totally forbidden them (in their own minds) and they'll do it if they want.


I agree with the smaller restricted space, and if he's using a repeat area clean it exceptionally well with enzymatic cleaners and block access to that area anytime you are not right there to watch him. And I mean right there (no leaving the room to go to the bathroom or do laundry and leaving him in his "potty room"). Keep him with you and reward going outside. Every time he goes to the bathroom in the house it becomes more acceptable (a habit that will get harder to break as time goes on and the behavior becomes more entrenched).


And don't feel like babygates are your enemies. We have multiples in our house and they are lifesavers. They are handy when people come to the house to service the furnace or air or water or whatever and we can just ploink the dogs on the other side and the service people don't need to worry about a dog getting in the way. We do have the kind that have a door that locks, so if you don't I suggest shelling out the extra $$ to get one of those that can stay up long-term. Our best ones cost about $60-70 and is worth every penny!

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Guest 18tjettagrl

Victoria had the issue but with leaving huge presents. Thought it might be a stomach issue due to it was always either before or after my parents came to let her out in the afternoon while we were at work. Vet couldn't find anything and were given advice from here and Vet concurred that yogurt or canned pumpkin (a spoonful)with food would help with gas and digestion. It did yes but the accidents still happened. Even had a schedule of early morning walks and late night walks. Found out we just cannot trust her to be out when we aren't here so she goes back into her crate. She's fine with this however as no messes in the crate, no whining etc. hopefully you can get an idea of maybe why when you go to the Vet or just might be you do have to limit her freedom until he can be trusted and trained a little better. Either way good luck!

Edited by 18tjettagrl
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