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Gurgly Tummy Lasts 4-5 Hrs

Guest Eliza332

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Guest Eliza332

My greyhound Daisy has always been prone to a gurgly tummy at least once a fortnight and I had put it down to her picking up food when she was out her walks, bread being her favourite thrown out for the birds. I always tried to stop her but sometimes she was too fast, due to an issue recently where I tried to take the food from her and she bit me I have decided to muzzle her even although I hate doing it but she is still suffering from the issue. She is on Burns dry kibble which is holistic and a small amount of wet chappie mixed through at night and most days she is fine but then out the blue she has the problem again around once, twice a week. I have made an appointment at the vets but wondered if anyone else had come across anything similar. It usually starts first thing in the morning till around 2pm when she's had a big walk. She isn't sick and doesn't have an upset stomach, just gurgly and she wants to eat loads of grass. Any help would be appreciated.

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What times does she have her meals? If it's worse first thing in the morning it's probably 'empty tummy syndrome'. Give her a handful of normal kibble or biscuits last thing at night and you might find that stops it.

Sue from England


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  • 2 weeks later...

Her gurgles may be caused by eating "illicit" food items....they also may be caused by an empty tummy. Perhaps she needs more bulk in her diet, a food that is higher in fibre or just another small meal a day (if she's not prone to weight gain) I have found that gurgles caused by eating the wrong things tend to end up in lots of farts and loose poo...but it it's just because of not eating enough these symptoms tend not to occur.


Hope this helps.

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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Burns is a good kibble but maybe the protien source is not ideal for your dog. I found that James Wellbeloved Lamb and Rice was too rich, and that their Turkey and rice was better. Today I feed something very similar called Super Premium Turkey & Rice, it comes badged from garden centres in silver bags with blue pawprints on them £20 for a 12kg bag.


I think the gurgling can come from picking up things too, or even sniffing at them. Eating too fast can cause it, dairy products, particularly too much fibre, cleaning up dishes of human food, and of course any sudden fundamental change in diet.


9 times out of ten it doesn't go as far a diarrhoea, but if the lining of the Duodenum gets sore, for whatever reason, the stomach will hold the food back for a while so that it gets a chance to heal, but unfortunately the food can then start to ferment and when the stomach sphincter does open it will be spasmodically releasing gassy food, and gurgles (borborygmi) are the result.

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