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Better Than The Couch?

Guest RMarie

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Guest RMarie

Has anyone found anything that their dogs prefer to sleep on other than the couch? DH and I have no problems letting James on the couch. He LOVES it. With his dried snot all over it, it's pretty much his piece of furniture now. The problem is he wants us to sleep with him on the couch with him. He used to have no problems sleeping downstairs by himself (he graduated from his dog bed in our room a long time ago to sleep in his crate downstairs, then graduated to the couch and has left his crate behind). After we solved the possum problem that was keeping him up at night, we thought his subsequent whining in the middle of the night was to pee. He does pee when we let him out, but after experimenting with sleeping on the couch and realizing he never whines to go outside when we do this, we realized he doesn't need to pee, he just wants a sleeping buddy. But, it's not like we're snuggling when we sleep on the couch with him. He's on one end and either me or DH is on the other. We tried making his dog bed upstairs in our room super-duper awesome, but he dug at it all night the other night and eventually started whining to go downstairs to the couch (we got NO sleep that night). We're thinking if we find someone equally or even more cozy to sleep on than the couch that we can put in our bedroom, James will be satisfied. Thoughts???


Don't get me wrong...we're glad that our bonding with James has increased so much that he truly enjoys our company (all of our snuggle-fests have clearly paid off), but we prefer our bed over the couch. I thought that perhaps sticking him in our bed and having him realize how cramped and hot he'd be would make him realize just how awesome sleeping alone on the couch truly is, but we're afraid this might backfire and destroy our "no dogs on the bed policy."

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Guest RMarie

Sounds like you might need to get another dog for him to sleep with. :hehe


Definitely thinking about that. We kind of wanted to have him to ourselves for a year and we got him last August, so we have several more months to go...buuuuuuut...you never know. I keep asking James if he'd rather have a brother or sister, but he never responds. The initial cost of another grey would be cheaper than some of the dog furniture I've been looking at.

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Guest wylie_coyote

I second getting another hound. Ours do better when we leave more then one at home. They like their alone time but for the most part there is always more then 1 hound in a room unless a human is around.

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Ours sleep in our bedroom with us. Brandi sometimes joins us in our bed (as she did last night thanks to DH not removing her when he came to bed) but we have two super dooper dog beds, with multiple rugs, doonas and pillows for them. And they're fine. They do prefer to be with us rather than alone.

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Guest RMarie

Maybe a bolster bed for your bedroom? More like a couch with a back to lean up against & arms for pillows.

Desi's is his very favorite of all places to crash.

What kind do you have? I've been looking online, but I want something sturdy. I've found beds with memory foam bottoms, but poly-fil sides for the bolster or wrap-around portions. I feel like the poly-fil will flatten over time and not provide James with the structure he wants.

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What kind do you have? I've been looking online, but I want something sturdy. I've found beds with memory foam bottoms, but poly-fil sides for the bolster or wrap-around portions. I feel like the poly-fil will flatten over time and not provide James with the structure he wants.


If you are looking for something sturdy that will provide some support, the pod style beds like this are pretty popular.




I have Luna's stuffed with whatever random things I can come up with...sometimes old dog pillows, in the winter some extra blankets and quilts...and she pretty much has created her own nest that she will happily hang out in all night long.


ETA: Or, if you wanted to splurge on a dog couch for your bedroom...there's always this!



Edited by schultzlc

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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We thought that getting Buffy would help Batman at night. It did for a bit but the whining returned, except then it was even worse as Buffy has taught Batman how to bark!


In Batman's case, whining at night is a sign that we're not exercising him enough during the day. He usually gets two half-mile walks a day, and if he misses two in a week then it's whine/bark central all night. Nothing else has really worked except keeping up with the regimen.


Batman (racing name CTW Battle Plan) adopted May 2011, passed away July 2017

Buffy (racing name CTW Bathsheba) adopted Oct 2012, passed away March 2022

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Guest newgreymama

When we got Cora last September, she slept fine the first few nights by herself. Then came the all night pacing. Pacing pacing pacing, up and down the hall (hard floor, so it was extra annoying) We got her a bed for our room, figuring she didn't want to be alone in the living room. Nope. She didn't stop pacing-and the pacing was only at night. At the end of November, we brought Boaz home and she slept through the night the first night he was here. The funniest part is: he sleeps on the bed in our room. She sleeps in the living room. She apparently didn't need someone to snuggle with (she acts all annoyed by him, as a matter of fact, even though when we have to take him somewhere without her, she gets all sullen) she just wanted another Grey in the house. lol


ETA: I wanted to add that we were supremely nervous about adopting a second Grey in such a short period of time, but honestly, it ended up making Cora calmer and her transition to home life that much faster and easier. Not that she was having any trouble at all, but she seems to be a much happier girl being around another Grey. The only issue we have now is finding space on our own couch at TV time. ;) lol

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What kind do you have? I've been looking online, but I want something sturdy. I've found beds with memory foam bottoms, but poly-fil sides for the bolster or wrap-around portions. I feel like the poly-fil will flatten over time and not provide James with the structure he wants.


Actually, I got this bed 2-1/2 yrs ago for $15 at a local store after-xmas sale. It has flattened out some....I got a memory foam square to put under it, and even

though the arms are flatter now, Des doesn't care. It's his absolute all-time favorite. Pretty good size, too. He's 80 lb & still quite comfy.



Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Costco offers a great price on large dog beds. Our Costco has a new orthopedic bed style that looks just like a mini-human mattress. (I haven't tried that style yet, but other GH parents have given it a thumbs up.)


We have eight Costco dog beds (different styles) in the family room at the moment (more elsewhere). We've had lots of Costco beds for many years. (BTW, if older dog beds begin to flatten after several years, two innards can be placed in one cover to beef up thickness.)

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