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Reverting? Housebreaking Problems

Guest team_tonio

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Guest team_tonio

We've had Antonio about 7 months now. Stopped crating after about a month with no housebreaking issues. Right around the beginning of december he started peeing in the house. Never big pees... which makes me think he is marking. This is also right around when we got our Christmas tree. Even after getting rid of the tree he is still peeing in the house. Never in the same spot. I use natures miracle and a steam mop. I have hard wood floors. Nothing else I can think of has changed and he came back clean for uti. I have been back to making a huge deal when we are outside pottying. Never corrected him for peeing inside because it is never when were home. I could leave for 2 hours or 8 hours- no difference. Still pees regardless of how long we leave for. It was more sporadic before. Now its most days. I just today started gating him in the kitchen and he peed on a chair leg. :(


Anyone else had this happen? Would love all the advice I can get.


Thanks in advance!!!

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I'd have the vet prescribe an antibiotic for 10 days and see if it stops before I went nuts thinking this is a housebreaking issue.


UTIs are pretty rare in male dogs and if his urinalysis came back normal then I'm not sure how many vets would prescribe antibiotics. We overuse them as it is. If it's really a concern I'd pay for a urine culture collected in a sterile manner by the vet (i.e. not a free flow that you collect at home). If the culture comes back negative you have your definitive that he doesn't have a UTI.


I recently had a patient who came in for a neuter and at his post surgical exam a week later the owner complained that he was having accidents multiple times a day in the house. Checked his urine and it was normal. Gave her some advice about dealing with a possible behavioural cause. Called her back a few weeks later and there were no further problems. Dogs do sometimes go backwards with house training. If medical is ruled out (UTI, kidney issues, incontinence) then I'd put him back in a crate and see if he can "magically" hold it for 8 hours again.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest team_tonio

Thanks for the feedback - great news is I went out for a bit - no pee in the kitchen when I returned! YAY! :)


He definitely can hold it - no issues at night. He sleeps in my room and is contained to a smaller area just in case. I am really hesitant to go back to the crate - but know that might have to be an option. Although he was fostered with a crate, here it took a while to get him comfortable in it and he really thrived after we removed the crate all together. I think the kitchen is my best bet and what I'm most comfortable with for now - room for stuffy killing and a bit of roaming about but not total confinement. I've been playing phone tag with my vet and will be sure to touch base to get her thoughts tomorrow too. Thanks again! :)

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Guest cwholsin

My thoughts are seperation anxiety or he's gotten in the habit of peeing inside. The fact that it doesn't seem to be related to how long he's left makes me lean more towards SA. If he keeps up not peeing in the kitchen, go from there, otherwise you need to back up in his housebreaking until he is reliably not having accidents. Our training buddy says to keep him where he can be successful 10 times in a row before giving more freedom. Also, if you think he may try and mark again try using a belly band to discourage it. Hermes, our first, was having marking 'accidents' for 6 months or so! 2.5 years later, he's mostly trustworthy to not mark in new indoor places.

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Guest team_tonio

I'm not sure about sa... he truly could care less when we leave! He gets a frozen kong (and teeth chatters prior to!) Then happily goes about cleaning it out when we are leaving... completely ignoring us. Anything is possible tho... the kitchen seems to be working!! Another pee free day today!!

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Guest team_tonio

So maybe it is SA??? He has been pee free all week... Yayyy ... but came home to a chewed door frame where he is gated in the kitchen. So not yay :( he has never ever been destructive.


Is it possible for a hound to develop SA after months in a home?? Seems not quite right. Clearly something is not right for him. I just cant figure out what it is :(

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Is it possible for a hound to develop SA after months in a home?? Seems not quite right. Clearly something is not right for him. I just cant figure out what it is :(


The quick and dirty answer is yes. After they have been in the home for awhile and their bond with you grows, they can start feeling ultra anxious when you leave. But really, SA can spring from just about anything (a particular incident, a change in weather, a new schedule). I'm more inclined to guess SA because of the incident with the door frame. Either that or boredom. If you can rule out a medical reason, I might bump up the exercise, reintroduce the crate, and work on alone training.

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Guest team_tonio

Thanks adaerr. :)


Poor guy. I let him free roam today Bc I was afraid of him hurting himself in the kitchen. He hasnt seen his crate in 6 months and I didn't want to reintroduce it for the first time while I'm at work for a full day. He was great today- no pee, no destruction. Thinking with the snow melting and the days getting longer it will be easier to pump up the excercise.


Thanks again!

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