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Stinky Breath!

Guest fluteplayer67

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Guest fluteplayer67

We have fallen in love with our first greyhound and are testing out a second one right now in our home. He is a beautiful brindle boy, 3 1/2 years old but oh my does his breath and mouth ever stink!! He seems to have an extra long tongue and drools easily but I am having trouble with such horrible breath. He is otherwise a sweet sweet boy and I am determined to figure out how to make him smell better. I have tried brushing his teeth, but haven't been able to get real thorough with that yet as he is constantly licking the toothbrush. I also took some shampoo on a washcloth and wiped all around the fur around his mouth but that did not help either. Could this mean he has some type of infection going on in his mouth or are there some other tips I can try to help this? His teeth do look a bit yellowish, especially compared to our other grey. It seems to me from what I have read, that their breath should not be that bad and could actually indicate a health issue. Sorry if this seems petty but it really curls my toes!!

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I would have a vet check him. There could be stomach issues and infections, etc.


As long as his belly tolerates it start offering a variety of things to chew on. One different thing each day, so he doesn't get bored. Bully sticks, compressed rawhides, turkey necks (if your brave enough), chicken feet, frozen chicken quarters, dried trachea, pig ears, lamb ears, stuffed hooves, greenies and other dental bones, etc


The easiest way to get the teeth clean is to have them do it themselves! ;) There are also water additives that you can use and that Petzlife stuff everyone raves about.


Also if the fur around his mouth is stained you can either scrub with dishsoap or just wipe it off with peroxide every few days. If he doesn't have a white face though I'm not sure if the peroxide will bleach his fur color....




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I had a foster that had excellent teeth, but her breath was horrid! I gave her a Pepcid every morning and that stopped the bad breath.


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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Guest fluteplayer67

I am pretty sure he had a dental in June when he was neutered but I will double check that. Also I did check his gums out and they are pink. Some of the teeth do look somewhat discolored but not terrible. Our other grey has such white teeth that any dogs teeth look yellow in comparison! He has had some pretty bad gas too, it is enough to gag a person. I wonder if the tummy thing is the issue. He has been in three different homes in the last month, different foods, etc., and I am sure a bit of stress as well. I think I will try the Pepcid and see if that helps. I do give him pumpkin each morning, maybe I could give it with that? I definitely want to check into the things to chew on as well. Great ideas so far, I get such great advice here. Thank you all!!

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Guest BlingDogs

Start brushing his teeth right away, start off with a finger brush and then use a baby toothbrush or one of your old ones.

My broodie had rotten teeth, she needed to have a dental, and still got her teeth brushed every day. Even that didn't stop her horrible breath, so I ended up getting a bottle of Petzlife gel off Ebay- You just dab a little on their gums every evening and it mixes into their saliva to clean the entire mouth. It was fairly pricey, $20 for a 4 oz bottle, but it is very effective at cleaning. Pair the gel with daily brushing and her breath is now tolerable!

Good luck.

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Guest fluteplayer67

I have to take back the comment on the gums looking fine. I was throwing the ball outside to Zip this evening and noticed some blood on the ball. Looking further into his mouth I could see some of the gums bleeding. I am thinking he needs a check by the vet? We don't yet own him so we are contacting his foster to see if he did have a dental and what to do next. He seems to eat with no problems.

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Guest fluteplayer67

Emailed the foster family who thought he had a dental but upon looking through the paper work more carefully they realized he has not. Looks like he will be getting those pearly yellows worked on soon!

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