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Senior, Senior Hounds

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Plummer and Lou are doing greyt but they are 13 and 12.


In good health and wanted to know from your experience is there any special needs for my doggies for this age? More vet visits?

They are getting glucosimine taken with their food. Any other supplements?

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Just throwing out ideas. Probably nothing you wouldn't already be doing but since you asked:


- Twice annual vet visits perhaps.

- At least annual & perhaps semi annual blood work. Keep copies & make a spreadsheet to compare the results from one time to the next to watch for emerging trends.

- Keep up exercise to maintain muscle. My seniors tend to loose condition quickly & regain it slowly. Those muscles are important for maintaining back & hind end wellness which can prevent some aches & pains.

- Carefully evaluate vaccination program. Do they need any at all? Do they need rabies only? Its for you to decide but is important to consider.

- Keeping nails short is important to prevent slipping on slick surfaces. Also check pads to ensure they are supple, not dry & slick which could also contribute to slipping.

- Keep that weight down to a healthy minimum.

- Maybe keep an assistance harness on hand & get your dog used to one while times are good. It's a "just in case" measure that can help cut some stress later in an emergency or if a temporary illness or injury make a senior weak enough to need a bit of help during recuperation.

- Watch for signs of pain & work with your vet to determine source. Actively work to alleviate the pain. Even if it is just standard aches & pains of age those can really drain quality of life.

- Dental care: Try to keep up with it on a daily basis, of course. But please don't let their age shy you away from having a dental done if necessary. I worried & fretted over having a dental done on my senior which led to some delays. He came through it with flying colors & after he acted a couples years younger. He clearly felt much better & I felt guilty for delaying it. BTW, he only lost one tooth & that was due to an epulis.


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