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Worried About Hailey--Sleep Incontinence?

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The protein and blood should not be present-I'm sure that's why your veterinarian started the antibotics. Everything else is fine.

Was the urine sample that was tested a voided sample?


Yes, that is why she started the ABs. and yes, it was a voided sample. Because Hailey is a "marker" we were able to take her outside the vet's office and get one then and there.

"Hurricane Sandi" (Baurna to Run).

Forever missing my "Angel-With-A Crooked-Halo" Hailey, and "Mokkah" (Xpress Point) with all my heart.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." ~~Will Rogers

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Guest Vers

I think they are talking about soy milk.

SO, you give the pupper the soy milk twice a day without meds? Do you remember where you heard this? Do you use this, or know of anyone who did this?


Not soy milk -- cow's milk. The theory is that there's enough hormones in the milk.


Here's a post with more details:


The thing that worked for me though was suggested by a friend.........1/4 - 1/2 c 1% milk twice a day. When this was first suggested I thought....ya, right!....but it's worked wonders for my girl and I've since recommended it to others who have also used it with success. I tired this as a last ditch effort when my girl had a severe reactio to the Proin (PPA) that is usually prescribed for urinary incontinence so it was obvious she'd never be able to take that and as she was only 5 I was at a loss and desperate for a solution. She hasn't leaked so much as a drop since I started the milk regiment back in June and she loves it, thinks it's a great special treat! Of course you'd need to be sure your pup is not lactose intolerant first. Mine get yogurt and cottage cheese every night at supper so I knew she'd do OK with it. The milk is cheap, no side effects and works! I thought it might be the calcium and amino acids in the milk tightening the muscles.....my vet thinks it may be the trace amounts of estrogen in the cow's milk and they're just enough to alleviate the problem. Either way it's worked great for us.

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I tried milk with Raven and it didn't work for her, but it was a harmless experiment and she certainly enjoyed it!

Kristen with

Penguin (L the Penguin) Flying Penske x L Alysana

Costarring The Fabulous Felines: Squeak, Merlin, Bailey & Mystic


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Guest 2dogs4cats

I have not heard of regular milk working, but I have heard of soy milk working. Women in menopause use soy milk to alleviate symptoms as well. Soy has it's risks though too, so ask your vet.

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  • 3 years later...

my foster was just spayed last week tuesday- today is sunday. she smelled of urine this morning and she and the bed got a washing today. I had told my foster co-ordinator. I will put a diaper on her tonight- to monitor leakage. Is this temporary? {can it be fixed as her surgery site heals. by the way it looks great, no redness or any thing.} can i give her 2% milk, the cat is the only one in the house that drinks milk and the 1% goes bad more quickly than 2%(weird).


thanks for any help or comments.

Peggy - Pete (Wild Pan Thief), Remy (Exotic Ziricote) Buddy the Golden 11-26-04 to 9-18-15, the KATZ - Ozzy, Freckles, Jake and Elwood Hubba, Desert Tortoises Tortilita, and Athena. and when I figure out how to make a PET collage they will all be included in this signature. I included my 2 most recent fosters. Marie a sweet darling of a girl. And Willie, a dog I want to keep. He is a loveable mushy boy.


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The incontinence may be related to the surgery regarding the IV fluids she received. Also, is she taking antibotics? Sometimes they will drink more when their tummys are upset.

It's too soon to see hormonal changes to cause the leaking. Don't bother with the milk.

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