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Nighttime Whining - Advice Please!

Guest KatJon

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Guest KatJon

We just adopted a second greyhound and everything has been going very smoothly except she spends the entire night whining. We've only had her for two nights but both nights she's started whining about 30 minutes after we go to bed didn't stop until the sun came up. We have a bed set up for her on the floor of our bedroom with our other grey (they get along just great).


We tried everything we could think of. At her foster home and when she was in the prison program she slept on the people bed, so we tried that, didn't work. Tried bringing her out into another room and sleeping by her on the couch. Tried fresh water, food, multiple trips outside, etc.


The only time she stopped whining was when we took her outside but she was just kinda wandering around the yard smelling things.


I know she is still very new with us and trying to adjust to her new surroundings but we would love to get some sleep at night!


Right now she is curled up on the couch sleeping just fine. She has barely whined during the day. Could she be afraid of the dark? Sounds silly but we are going to try to leave a light on tonight and see if shes any better.


Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Try putting a night light in the bedroom and see if that helps. Once she can see you're still there, when she starts to whine just tell her to be quiet or go to sleep, some term you want to use just to correct that behavior. It may take a few days but she'll catch on.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Jacks_Human

Jack used to cry at night because he'd have houndie nightmares and need comforting. What soothed him was listening to music (or having me sing), so if you have a lullaby CD you can put on at very low volume maybe that would help?

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It's day three and her entire world has been turned upside down! I would try a long hour walk right before bedtime or a solid 30 minutes of chasing a ball or toys in the yard. Then crate her in the bedroom with you or even just baby gate her in there with you. If she's tired she can't really be anxious. Will she relax on a dog bed? Maybe you just need to talk to her as she falls asleep so she knows your there?


Hang in there! It will get better!


I just got back from a week long trip away and in the middle of the night Sunshine put her head on the bed and whined a bit. I just gave her some ear rubs, she heaved a huge sigh and went back to her bed. It was too cute! Just wanted to make sure I was still home with her


You know what... Are prisons ever really dark? She might be used to a night light..




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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Given how new she is, I'd second the advice to exercise her more, and try to ignore it. Perhaps try to keep her awake more during the day and especially in the evening before bed. I probably wouldn't reward it by taking her out or petting her (and if you absolutely think she needs outside, make it quick and don't speak to her), but that's just me. If it continued a week or two from now, I'd consider correcting it, but not this soon in the game.

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Guest LindsaySF

Given how new she is, I'd second the advice to exercise her more, and try to ignore it. Perhaps try to keep her awake more during the day and especially in the evening before bed. I probably wouldn't reward it by taking her out or petting her (and if you absolutely think she needs outside, make it quick and don't speak to her), but that's just me. If it continued a week or two from now, I'd consider correcting it, but not this soon in the game.

X 2


This is how I dealt with many new fosters in and out. They often whine and act restless the first few nights, as change is sometimes stressful.


Tire her out during the day, it should help. :)

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Guest KatJon

Well we had a long day today of pet stores, walks, and hot hot weather.... so hopefully she is sufficiently tired out! It's funny how she is totally fine and anxiety-free during the day and then something turns a switch at night.


Tonight we're going to try leaving a small light on to see if that helps.


Thanks everyone for your advice and we will keep you posted!

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Guest avadogner

I feel your pain. Augie went through this when he came home. We were forewarned that is a highly vocal hound but since our first grey didn't bark or roo for the first 5 years. Augie carried on for hours. I slept on a palate next to him the first couple nights. We learned that he was afraid of how quiet our home was at night. After placing a radio in the room, it reduced it. He is just a very talkative hound but has improved greatly. Hang in there!

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Guest KatJon

Well, turning a dim light on worked wonders... We didn't hear a single whine last night! Hoping for another good night tonight. Don't know if she's afraid of the dark or just nervous, but either way it seems to be getting much better :-)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Nonnie was like this for the first few days; poor boy was terrified once the sun went down. Everything was new and scary; at night it seemed a lot more so, I guess. A nite lite helps; also just being near them where they know you're there. It took him a week or two to settle down and realize that he was safe at night, too.

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Well, turning a dim light on worked wonders... We didn't hear a single whine last night! Hoping for another good night tonight. Don't know if she's afraid of the dark or just nervous, but either way it seems to be getting much better :-)




Time is your friend and patience is the key.


I am also of the 'do not acknowledge the bad behaviour' club.

No talk.

No Touch.

No eye contact.

At all.


Believe me....I do know how hard that is to do...... we have multiple dogs for 30 years.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest KatJon

We had another quiet night - thank goodness!



Well, turning a dim light on worked wonders... We didn't hear a single whine last night! Hoping for another good night tonight. Don't know if she's afraid of the dark or just nervous, but either way it seems to be getting much better :-)




Time is your friend and patience is the key.


I am also of the 'do not acknowledge the bad behaviour' club.

No talk.

No Touch.

No eye contact.

At all.


Believe me....I do know how hard that is to do...... we have multiple dogs for 30 years.


I definitely need to keep that in mind... She has also been whining occasionally during the day and when one of us goes outside. But she is getting better and better every day! I can't believe she's only been with us for 4 days - she's already taken over the couches and beds and is way more confident than Rhythm was for the first several months :)

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Guest mdquaglia

Our newest guy, who has severe sleep aggression (2 injuries, 50+ stitches and $1,000+ in vet bills) has taken to whining when crated at night.


I ignored it the 1st night, and gave in to it before it started on night number 2. You'd think after having 6 greyhounds in the past 13 years that I'd not be such a pushover.


Now, the girls sleep in the bedroom with me, and Chili gets the run of the livingroom, with a gate separating them.

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