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Thunder And Lightening,"oh,no!"

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Thundershirts are a huge success in our house. When I got them I was skeptical. I read the package and we did the "training" as suggested by the manufacture for several weeks. My two thunder freaks learned that when the TS goes on, they get a treat and when it comes off they get a treat. The other dogs do not. For us, it was a while before we had an opportunity to actually try out the TS'es as I bought them in March when we had few if any thunder storms here in Florida.


Come May though, the first storm hit and we had two panting, pacing, stressing dogs. I put their Thundershirts on and Disco just collapsed right where he was a slept through the rest of the storm. He literally flopped on the rug and laid there, calm, cool and collected. Deuce settled down and just "watched" the storm. The next afternoon storm hit, same thing, both dogs reasonably relaxed.


Now whenever we hear a storm, we get the TS'es out, put them on, the two get a treat and they settle down for the storm.


Yesterday, we had a wicked storm hit. It woke me up, but I didn't know Kevin was not at home, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. (Yes, I know another sign that I am a rotten owner. :rolleyes: Send the greyhound police to rescue my dogs from myself.) Kevin arrived home during the storm to Disco panting and Deuce wild-eyed, panting and pacing. He, of course, dropped everything and put the TS'es on. He said both dogs crashed out for the remainder of the storm, which included some tornado activity in our county.


Are ThunderShirts a success in our house with Disco and Deuce? ABSOLUTELY!!


Will they work with your dogs? Who knows. :dunno


My best suggestion is to try it, follow the manufacturers training suggestions and give it a try.


The worst thing that will happen is you will be out like $40.00. If that happens, I bet most any greyhound adoption groups will accept a gently used TS as a donation.


I seldom recommend stuff, but both Kevin and I tout our ThunderShirt success any chance we get.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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