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Needy Hound

Guest Jacks_Human

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Guest Jacks_Human

Jack is still OK with being left alone (thank goodness), but for the past week and a half or so, he has been a bigtime velcro hound. He's always been snuggly with me, but now he gets upset if I am home and not constantly giving him attention. For example: I was online earlier, and he was snoozing next to me and I was petting him. When I stopped petting him to type, he started whimpering. Basically, he wants to be hugged ALL THE TIME if I (or my BF) is around. Like I said, he isn't upset when I leave for work, and is very good when I'm away, but from the second I'm back and he launches himself into my arms (he used to just tail wag and wander over), he wants to be held and petted and talked to without pause.

Does anyone have experience with this? I'm love that he's a cuddly boy, and am happy to give him lots of attention, but there are limits :o

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Ranger is like this. If I petted him 24 hours a day he would be happy. He is really good though when I've had enough and tell him to go lay down he does. At meet & greets he can't stand not being the center of attention and feels that someone should be petting him at all times. And look out if he spies another hound getting pets. He will try to push his way in and take over. :lol I love that he's a velcro dog but like you said, there are limits even if he doesn't think there should be.

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I understand that it could be a bit tricky to have to cuddle and pet all the time, but I must admit that both of your posts had me smiling!:rolleyes:


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest Jacks_Human

I understand that it could be a bit tricky to have to cuddle and pet all the time, but I must admit that both of your posts had me smiling!:rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE cuddling and fussing over Jack, and he gets lots of attention. It's just that sometimes I need two hands to do things like type :P

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Probably the best way to get him to back off when you need/want him to back off is by ignoring him and his whimpering. It's hard to do at first and not give in, but usually dogs catch on pretty fast. Or teach him to go lie on his pad/sofa/whatever on command.

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Guest SusanP

Just curious--How long have you had him? Our hounds + Lab have acted a bit clingier at the beginning until they felt secure in our home. But if it came out of the blue, I don't know...time for a check-up to make sure he's feeling ok?

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