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Healing Amputated Toe

Guest akawow

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Guest akawow

Ok, so the one she lost is. Is recovery more difficult? Also, they cut off above the toe, to leave a clean margin, thinking it was osteo. Could that be why she's taking so long? uh oh, i hear tags jingling...

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Probably a little more difficult than one of the smaller side toes; less stress on the healing area. But I also remember people here saying that some people make too much of a deal of weight-bearing vs. non-weight-bearing.


By "cut off above the toe" you mean they didn't just remove the whole toe where it met her foot, but sort of cut into her foot to remove some extra tissue as well? I would certainly think that would be harder, and might well cause more discomfort, although obviously I'm not a vet.


This is Beth's foot a couple of days after the original surgery, to show what they did. It looked considerably worse later, after the abrasions started and the stitches ripped, creating a big open wound around where the remaining large toe meets the foot. http://i511.photobucket.com/albums/s357/PrairieProf/0528010921.jpg


Yeah, I remember running down from my computer to check on Beth....

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

So there's 2 toe bones, they took those and then into the next one up (metatarsal?) for the margin. Yeah, I've only managed to get thru pg 6 of your saga.

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That sounds really painful to me. :( So there's a bone in her foot that's been partially cut off but it still partly there? I'd imagine that might poke in uncomfortable ways when she walks -- no wonder she three-foots, poor girl. Anyway that sounds much more challenging than the standard toe amp that a number of our hounds have had. Gentle strokes to her!

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

Thanks so much for talking to me. I'm pretty much in this alone as husband is working overtime and when not our ideas of what watching is are v. different.

I'm getting scared about taking the stitches out tomorrow- will that make it even more fragile?

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Well, talk to your vet about the pros and cons and your concerns -- s/he is in the best position to advise on that. Maybe s/he will have some insight about the not eating too. Do you think she might be a bit zonked from the Xanax? I've read quite a few people here reporting bad experiences with Tramadol but I don't recall loss of appetite (more like pacing, panting -- Beth was fine though.)


I know about online support -- I live alone and would have been lost during our experience without support here and on Facebook. I'm hoping more people will chime in -- Sunday is kind of a slow day on GT often.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Hey, so I had Beth at my vet for some vaccinations this morning, and I briefly told him about what was going on with you (I knew he'd appreciate the fitness/irony that I was now trying to help someone else out with a toe amputation when I was such a wreck last year). He had heard of removing part of the metacarpus(?) and didn't seem to think it was all that bad. Obviously he was perplexed at the whole toe osteo/FNA/synovial fluid thing I described just as everyone there is.


One thing he suggested was trying a Thundershirt, since if Mermie is on Xanax it suggests you/your vet sees anxiety as part of the issue. He says he's seen just amazing results from it, and he thought they are under $70.


He also said to keep an eye on the big picture -- day by day it's really hard, but in a few months all this should be past. I know that advice wouldn't have helped me much last June when I was all stressed out, but I pass it on anyway. And looking back at my long thread, while the difficult part seemed to go on forever, looking back it was basically only a month, which seems quite short now that we're close to a year past it.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

Actually we have a Thundershirt (only $25- Amazon), which we initially got as she is afraid of lightning (not thunder-hehehe) and it works quite well. I have used it during this ordeal, but not all the time. Maybe I'll put it on her today. Who couldn't use a little hug?


The big picture goes both ways- helpful in thinking about her recovery, but worrisome as weeks go by when I really need to get outside and work in the yard (2 acres, giant garden). Things are progressing so quickly and way earlier than ever before. The longer I have to wait, the harder it will be. argh.


Wish I knew in another week?,two? three? I wouldn't have to hold constant vigil like this. My nerves are frayed, my head hurts. I keep telling myself that if I put in the time now it will be quicker than if I was more lax and she did damage licking or "muzzling" it and then had to deal w/ healing that. Did Beth not do anything to her owie if the muzzle was on? This amazes me.


But on the up side we get stitches out today.


Btw,how long did it take you to get up the nerve to clip the toenails on that foot? Think I will ask the techs to do it today- it freaks me out!

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Actually we have a Thundershirt (only $25- Amazon), which we initially got as she is afraid of lightning (not thunder-hehehe) and it works quite well. I have used it during this ordeal, but not all the time. Maybe I'll put it on her today. Who couldn't use a little hug?


The big picture goes both ways- helpful in thinking about her recovery, but worrisome as weeks go by when I really need to get outside and work in the yard (2 acres, giant garden). Things are progressing so quickly and way earlier than ever before. The longer I have to wait, the harder it will be. argh.


Wish I knew in another week?,two? three? I wouldn't have to hold constant vigil like this. My nerves are frayed, my head hurts. I keep telling myself that if I put in the time now it will be quicker than if I was more lax and she did damage licking or "muzzling" it and then had to deal w/ healing that. Did Beth not do anything to her owie if the muzzle was on? This amazes me.


But on the up side we get stitches out today.


Btw,how long did it take you to get up the nerve to clip the toenails on that foot? Think I will ask the techs to do it today- it freaks me out!


Yeah, my garden was a wreck last summer, and I never did anything to improve my house. Even after Beth got better, I was just exhausted emotionally. And then late in the summer, my 15-year-old cat started to fail and needed extensive hospitalization and tests; she died in September. It was kind of the lost summer the animal woes and financially draining, OMG.


Yes, Beth never bothered her foot with the muzzle on. She is an opportunistic licker but she really didn't seem fussed about the foot in general -- but evidently it didn't hurt her much since she walked on it OK (with Deramaxx and Tramadol).


I don't recall about the toenails -- I had them all done during the surgery (they offer it for free) so I guess by the time she needed it again she was OK. Maybe I had the groomer at the vet do it once since she was there every day anyway? But again, I endlessly fussed with the foot applying antibiotics etc. and clipping three nails was no big issue; she wasn't sensitive about it being touched.


I hope things are looking OK without the stitches. Hopefully it might feel a little better and bother her less.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

Wow , you did have a sucky summer. Sorry to hear about your cat.

Last summer was the lost summer for me -herniated disk, I just can't bear another lost summer! It's still not healed so will be a challenge anyway, and all this driving has really not been helpful for it.


Just got back from the vet. He said it was a major procedure, so many layers of stitches and some staples that had dug in- which may be why it has been more painful- here's hoping. So there's some new open places. He said to put it in peroxide 2xday for 4-5 days. This kind of confuses me as another vet told me at one time not to do that as it would keep it from healing as fast.??? Does anyone know anything about this?


Oh, and I asked about the bone that's cut off. He said they do round it off, they do it all the time w/ no problem. Go figure.

Had them cut the nails while we were there. I just can't bear to add to her pain at this juncture.

here's a link to my girlie-


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What a pretty girl, and wow she's a white and brindle like Beth! That's an amazing shot too.


Dunno about the peroxide, it does sound kind of harsh. I started using some spray stuff, Granulex, that is supposed to remove dead tissue and promote healing of open wounds -- it was recommended here. I confess I didn't tell my vet! Hard to say whether it helped or just time. I ordered it online. She was getting antibiotic goo on it too 2x a day of course. The open places will take some time to heal but they will heal -- Beth's were pretty awful.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

She seems to be much more relaxed already. Maybe this will be our turning point.

She came when I needed her, after my daughter died. And she needed me too- she'd been thrown out of a prison program for snapping at a guard (who probably deserved it- she totally fell apart shortly after we got her when my husband picked up a shovel...read between those lines...), then thrown out of a foster home after she jumped out a window and killed a small animal. Anyway, we looked into each other's eyes and that was it. She's feisty, but a barrel of fun, and ever so loyal.

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Guest akawow

Changing socks this a.m., one of her pads is half off- no blood, kind of white under it. Is this from being bandaged/not used for so long? I assume I should cut this off?


She was up and down all night again-disappointing.


On the bright side, she's not after it all the time- though I do have to be vigilant. Tummy is upset this morning too, which explains why she's not been eating well. Trying meds for that...

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Yikes, I have no clue about the pad -- could something have happened to it in the incident with the pavement a couple of days ago? I've never heard anything like that from being wrapped in reading zillions of threads here. I'd call the vet for advice.


Sorry she's not been doing better -- I've been thinking about her this morning. Glad she's leaving the foot alone though. Could the up and down during the night have been related to her tummy rather than her foot?

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

Don't know what the problem w/ the continual circling is- maybe just not feeling right. It's been like that a lot and is esp. bothersome at night as I wake up evey time(and of course it means she's not happy). She was doing it when she was still eating well. I cut down the Tramadol, thinking that might be the cause, but then she started looking to chew the foot again.

So Prilosec & carafate w/ some cottage cheese is what we're doing now.


The foot looks all dry and nice when I last changed it. The pad was stuck back perfectly and dry (that can't last can it?), unless you knew you'd never notice. Fingers crossed. One day at a time.


Again , thanks so much from both of us.


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Has she been on oral antibiotics since the surgery? Could that be affecting her tummy? Maybe some probiotics?


Sweet picture of Mermie. Beth was just doing that exact pose a few minutes ago.


http://inlinethumb04.webshots.com/48899/2363048850017335653S600x600Q85.jpg [cleaned up the URL]

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest akawow

she's been on Keflex, and still is. I've been giving a couple spoons of yogurt. Funny you should mention it, I was just thinking of giving her some Prostora (our other grey has to take it, so it's on hand). Will try.

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Guest akawow

She actually stayed on her bag for about 4 hours straight last night!!!- which is about the longest uninterrupted sleep I've had :blink: since the surgery.


Also, her foot is looking much less inflamed. The toes are still swollen, but the incision and color of the whole area is much improved.


She's not eating how I'd like her to, but it's not bad enough to be overly worried, I added some Prostora and will keep up w/ the other tummy meds.


My parents came up today and I was able to do a simple meal & pie for his 86th bday, and get the house semi cleaned.(more than I've been able to accomplish in a long while as well)


Merm only soggified her sock twice, and we caught it in the "lick the sock" stage so no damage was done.


So yay! I think we might be at the corner....


Thanks for asking!

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Guest freightsmom

You're getting good advice on toe amps from everyone. I can only share my experience with Aimee and Freight. Aimee had a non cancerous growth in her back right foot that dislocated the bones in her toe so that toe was removed. She did really well recovering from the surgery and the loss of a weight bearing toe and was back to a normal walk in about 3 weeks. However, she can no longer run with the boys as she will cry and pull up running and not want to put the foot down.


Freight was just diagnosed with hemagiopericytoma, a malignant growth and had a non weight bearing toe removed from his front right foot. He is almost 5 weeks post amp and still limping a lot when he walks. He has not even tried to run yet. I think each dog handles losing a toe differently whether it is weight bearing or not. Freight is a notorius licker so he lives in his race muzzle with poop guard these days. I will take a non stick bandage pad and use that and then wrap a light vet wrap bandage around the foot to keep him from licking and give him a break from the muzzle.


BTW, ask your vet for an IV bag, cut off one end and put slits around that end. Now you can thread rolled gauze in and out of the slits for a super cheap, puncture proof, waterproof boot!

Wishing your pup a speedy recovery!

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Guest akawow

I like the slits in the iv bag- I've used them, but that is a nice touch- thanks. I guess the pups all respond v. differently.


Merm surprised me and did a bound going up the stairs last night- I have had to encourage her to get her to walk up and so did not see that coming (eek!) She also started to do a happy dance after pooping yesterday (which obviously hurt)- but it was a joy to see nonetheless.-(she's still in there!!) Things are a little more swollen today, so we are trying to keep things quiet.


She's doing better about the licking, I'm keeping a sock on it and a watchful eye.

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