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Skin Problem Over Injection Site


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Peggy has always had a bald spot on her neck Spots, but now after surgery in January another one here has appeared over the site of an antibiotic injection. The vet says the scab will come off soon and to use Hibiscrub twice a day and keep an eye on it.

Has anyone on here had a problem like this wit one of their Grey's before? It makes me wonder if the first one happened the same way too

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I'm pretty sure it was just a normal Noroclav injection used post op as the vet said it was the same as the follow-up antibiotic tablets. She had tail surgery in 2010 without any injection site issues.

As to the possibility of cyst there's not one obvious there but we are keeping a close eye on things and may need to have it removed surgically.

I wonder might a previous vet (before we had her) have injected her neck lower down for similar reasons? The original one is not a hotspot nor a mite site, just a bare patch of skin.

With rescues it is so unhelpful not to have the history.

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