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Quite A Scare, Update And My Girls

Guest greygirls2

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Guest greygirls2

So Alyx is doing very well. The doxy really is doing it's job and he is back to normal...even better. In huindsight he'd been getting a little slow, getting up slower, careful on the stairs. All that was the Anaplasmosis before it hit him hard....they thought he was probably just getting a little arthritis. Now he's walking normally, no more paralysis on the right side, he's running around, racing up and down the stairs Looks like he will have a full recovery and we are so thankful for that. My girls got tested yesterday....Diamond was neg for all...Laci , however, came up positive for both Anaplasmosis and Lyme neither of which she is symptomatic thank DoG, so she is now on doxy also. While I was at the vet's yesterday he was telling me a guy brought his dog in Monday in full blown Anaplasma....yesterday he brought the dog's body in.....he'd gone into total system failure overnight. The vet says he must have been sick for a while and the owner either didn't recognize it or ignored the symptoms....very sad.................. I also heard that many of the greys coming off the FL tracks are coming up pos. for Babesia.....scary.

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We see a lot of positive Lyme and Anaplasma here in NJ. The Snap 4DX test has actually replaced the standard heartworm antigen test here--many, many positives are picked up on asymptomatic dogs.

Glad your houndie is doing so well--- just curious-did your vet run a CBC (to check the platelet count)??

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Guest greygirls2

Yes, her blood counts are fine and I am giving her milk thistle along with the doxy to protect the liver. The Snap 4's are used here exclusively now also but with the bringing in of so many dogs from the south they are going to have to start checking for Babesia also because that's on the rise. This is one reason I love cold snowy winters.....we can walk and not worry about the damn ticks!!!!! :angryfire

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Guest greygirls2

Yes, and a friend on another grey list...her husband died of Babesia in RI a couple years ago....very, very scary stuff!!!! I hope your brother, sister in law and father have recovered fully.

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Guest greytbookert

Sheila I'm glad your girls are doing well!


Years ago, my bridge girl Sahra had babesia and yes, it is horrendous!


My boss had it a couple of years ago and we thought we were going to lose him, as the docs up here didn't know much about it and didn't test for it for a long time, until he and I talked about it.

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