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Theo And I

Guest capers7

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Guest capers7

Hi! My name is Julie and I live in a 34' RV with my 2 boys and work from home. I adopted my Theo on 04/11/10 (boy #2). He will be 5 in March. He is my first greyhound and is the quintessential ambassadoggy. He is a sweet, funny, clown, who makes me laugh several times a day. He has more tricks up his sleeve than any dog I have ever met. He dances, snakes his head, and wiggles his butt. When he wants a treat on a walk he sits. That is the way he begs, he sits. Funny dog. It works though! He has me very well trained! He will spin, bow, jump a log or even a line on a road if he thinks he might get a treat, and he is so cute when he turns back to ask if he was cute enough. He has taught me so much, like the ball chukker is for not for throwing balls. He does not like chasing balls (chasing dogs who are chasing balls is another thing). However, chukkers work really well for chukking treats. This is a rather new trick he is teaching me and I do not have my eye/chukker/dog coordination down yet, so I end up retrieving the treats as much as he does, but he is getting me zeroed in. He is also a very fine therapy dog and will pick out people with special needs and give them special love, often choosing them over others in the room, which just makes their day. This may have to do with him being a special needs pup himself. He has grand mal seizures, which is one of the reasons he was in foster care for 6 months before he found me. Being black and a boy were 2 other reasons, though for the life of my I don't understand why.


Boy #1 is Tigger. He is a DC (damn cat). He owns the house and everything in it. He is an orange striper, about 9 years old, and weighs 18 pounds. Tigger grew up in this RV and knows no other life. Theo defers. Smart dog!


I have the current blessing of being the park host at the local dog park, so Theo is getting lots of socializing. He loves having a 2/3 of an acre fenced back yard!! The park also includes a mile of trail right on the Columbia river, and he does love prancing along it! :)


I have been a member here for quite a while, but never got involved. I am fixing that now. I appreciate all the answers and suggestions I have gotten to my questions! There is quite a wealth of knowledge and experience here for which I am most grateful. Thanks so much!

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Welcome...hopw awesome that you found each other...seems like a perfect match :)

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Greetings from Gainesville, FL! :welcome2

Theo sounds like an awesome hound! :)

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Hi, welcome from Ottawa, Canada. I used to live in Vancouver, British Columbia before moving east. Wow, I am so jealous of you, what a wonderful live for you and the 2 "boys". Our house is also ruled by the "Cat" who is 14 yrs old. She is very cranky and actually does better with dogs than with other cats. I foster (for our adoption group, seniors who are returned) and right now we have a wonderful 11yr old, who will probably live out his life with us. He is absolutely wonderful and such a sweetheart. Take care and enjoy your "boys".

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Guest capers7

Hi, welcome from Ottawa, Canada. I used to live in Vancouver, British Columbia before moving east. Wow, I am so jealous of you, what a wonderful live for you and the 2 "boys". Our house is also ruled by the "Cat" who is 14 yrs old. She is very cranky and actually does better with dogs than with other cats. I foster (for our adoption group, seniors who are returned) and right now we have a wonderful 11yr old, who will probably live out his life with us. He is absolutely wonderful and such a sweetheart. Take care and enjoy your "boys".

Thanks! And good for you. I think I would fail fostering. I would definitely try it if I had a house, but for now, the "house" is full enough!

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