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Questions About Corns

Guest mhall

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I live in Ottawa, Canada and am an expert on corns. I have never had or fostered a grey that did not have corns.


My senior foster, this winter, had on one front foot, three corns on separate toes and on the other front, two corns on separate toes. I believe, regardless of what you use or try, they will come back. I told my vet that I believe that they can be seasonal. He agrees. Last year, during spring, summer and early fall. Not a corn to be seen, by late fall they came in with a vengeance.


On our walks, he wears Therapaws. I have tried everything under the sun and the worst are hulled by our vet, and some do come back.


Now to what I'm now using and it seems to work although slowly and even if the corns go away, I do prevention.


My vet also practices holistic care (chinese herbal remedies). He was doing research and found what is called "Wart Ade" made from thuja oil and used by farmers, etc. for livestock (i.e. cows, horses etc.). I dab it on the corns (twice a day) and being a liquid it goes on very well. As I mentioned, even though the corns are now almost gone (yeah!!!), I still use it as a preventative.


My foster is otherwise a healthy 11yr old, so if corns are his worst problem right now, I'm happy, considering it could be much worse.



So do you think the wart ade did make a difference? I called the website that has it in Canada and they can ship it to the US. Is that worth a try in your opinion?


We'll try that if Grandy's corn comes back.


I discovered a while back that Grandy not only had one, but two corns the first week in February. One on her front right foot was big, almost 1/4" accross and almost as high, she also had one on her back left, not quite as big but still stuck out quite a bit. I showed our vet the corns mid February at her check up. Miki said they looked like I could work them out if I wanted to try that, if that didn't work she would hull them.


Derek, trihounds, stopped by to pick up a pendant he had ordered and I was telling him about the corns. I hadn't tried removing them as I'd been really busy. When I went to show him I couldn't find the one on her right foot. I actually thought it might have been on the other foot???? but no, no corn. The one on the back foot was considerably smaller as well. I had put Grandy on oral bee propalis as soon as I saw the corns.


This is the second greyhound I've used the oral bee propalis on. Jake had a corn many years ago, maybe 5 years, and his disapeared except for a slight circle mark on his pad. He still has the circle, but nothing else. I stopped the bee propolis about a month after the corn disapeared. Grandy also has that same slight circle but the huge corn that was there is gone. The corn on her back foot is almost gone but not quite.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Janet, how exactly do you administer the bee propolis orally?


I bought capsules. The ones I have are made by Organika 500 mg. I just drop it into their food, once a day.


I just checked and Grandy is corn free! :yay Jet had what looked like the start of one and I gave him the capsules too. He has nothing on his toe now. :D

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Guest Mommy2Gideon

Janet, how exactly do you administer the bee propolis orally?


I bought capsules. The ones I have are made by Organika 500 mg. I just drop it into their food, once a day.


I just checked and Grandy is corn free! :yay Jet had what looked like the start of one and I gave him the capsules too. He has nothing on his toe now. :D



Wow I wish this worked for us! We did Bee Propolis orally for over a year and....nothing! I had no idea that there was a topical. After reading this thread and a few others after searching corns this morning I figured I did it wrong. I think I'm going to try the topical if I can find it.

Edited by Mommy2Gideon
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Janet, how exactly do you administer the bee propolis orally?


I bought capsules. The ones I have are made by Organika 500 mg. I just drop it into their food, once a day.


I just checked and Grandy is corn free! :yay Jet had what looked like the start of one and I gave him the capsules too. He has nothing on his toe now. :D



Wow I wish this worked for us! We did Bee Propolis orally for over a year and....nothing! I had no idea that there was a topical. After reading this thread and a few others after searching corns this morning I figured I did it wrong. I think I'm going to try the topical if I can find it.


That's the truly mystifying thing about corns, what works for some fails miserably for others. I really wish the vets could figure this one out. Wnile it isn't life threatening it sure can impact quality of life.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Agree 100% Janet. I told my husband last night....if we hadn't already decided that Jack was going to be our last dog, this corn experience would've done it for me. :( I feel so bad for him, he can't stand for any length of time, limps terribly....nothing has worked for him....even when I hull the corns he limps. Walks? well, forget that. He is a relatively young dog (6) and is missing out on so much due to these horrible corns. I fear he'll start having other issues due to his limpy, gimpy gait. :(

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Guest Maloy

Hi Janet, it's Marion (Hamie's Mom and Maloy's Foster Mom) and I can't agree more about corns. What works for some doesn't help others. Such a nuisance.


Google "Wart Ade" and call the supplier in Canada, apparently they do ship to the States. What I also do is if the corn does not come all the way out. I dremel it flat and put the oil on. Maloy does wear Therapaws on the front when we go out. Mostly for the leftover salt and sand used on our roads during the winter months. Also, even though the corns are now almost gone, I keep putting the oil on as a preventative measure. Maloy's corns are almost gone for now and the walks are getting better and longer.


"Rascals Mom" - I know how you feel. My angel Hamie and corns on all four feet. I did everything but nothing really worked for him. I just kept dremeling, put bag balm on his feet and he wore Therapaws when we went out. I wish I had "Wart Ade" for him as it may have helped him out.

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I just ordered some of the Wart Ade. I certainly hope this helps...maybe giving it internally (tablets) AND using it externally will do the trick.

I am desperate to get rid of these things....my poor Jack.....:(

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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I think about the discussions we have had on this topic and I am so thankful that we can share information. I really think we could write a novel on this subject. I too am very frustrated with the wart/corns on my senior girl. It has gotten to the point that she can not do any M & G and she can not walk far on the sidewalk with her greyhound buddy. She is missing out on so much and I do worry about her losing muscle tone. I will be discussing the wart ade with my vet as I did google it and printed it off for him. Also will look into the bee pol.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the Wart Ade yesterday....have put it on Jack's corns three times already--last night I dug out two of the corns before putting the oil on.


Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed that THIS works.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Guest mhall

I lost track of this thread, but am glad so many people have been sharing different ideas. :)


We've hulled Emily's corn out twice since I started this thread, which seems to bring her relief for a few days. We figured out hulling on our own at home since she is so afraid of going to the vet, and she's really good about sitting still for it. I think she knows it will help.


Other than hulling we haven't had success with anything. Topical bee propolis was a bust, and lately I can't get duct tape to stick for any length of time. When the duct tape does stick, it seems to keep the corn softer which helps with hulling.


Em now seems to be getting another corn on her front right foot :( She does not like wearing thera-paws on her front feet, and will actually try to undo the velcro with her teeth to get them off. Has anyone else had problems with thera-paws on front feet? She walks like a champ with them on both back legs.


I got the Wart Ade yesterday....have put it on Jack's corns three times already--last night I dug out two of the corns before putting the oil on.


Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed that THIS works.


Keep us posted on how the Wart Ade goes! I will be curious to hear if you get good results.

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Em now seems to be getting another corn on her front right foot :( She does not like wearing thera-paws on her front feet, and will actually try to undo the velcro with her teeth to get them off. Has anyone else had problems with thera-paws on front feet? She walks like a champ with them on both back legs.


My Conor HATED the therapaws. So I tried neopaws with much more success. The summer shoes are the most comfortable for him but the winter shoes are still better tolerated than the therapaws.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Wart Ade just arrived yesterday so I started it this morning. Looked at the ingredients - Oil of Thuja and base oil. Thuja is a good thing and the research I have done indicates it does help warts. Will keep everyone posted. Even wrote it on my calendar so I can keep track how long I am using it. Rascalsmom and I got it from Canada. Pretty reasonable $6 for the oil and $10 for shipping since it is coming from Canada.

Edited by brandimom



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Please let us know what you think. That will be my next approach if you find it at all helpful. We are using the bee propolis now and duct tape... no fast results here.

I am very curious about what your experience will be with the wart ade. Thanks.



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Guest mhall

Em now seems to be getting another corn on her front right foot :( She does not like wearing thera-paws on her front feet, and will actually try to undo the velcro with her teeth to get them off. Has anyone else had problems with thera-paws on front feet? She walks like a champ with them on both back legs.


My Conor HATED the therapaws. So I tried neopaws with much more success. The summer shoes are the most comfortable for him but the winter shoes are still better tolerated than the therapaws.


Thanks for the suggestion - I will look into those :)

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Guest columbus

Of the four greys I've had, three have (or had) corns. I've tried hulling, dremeling, duct tape, bag balm--I even tried hulling and then using Abreva (I read this somewhere). Duct tape worked on one grey's corns temporarily. One grey will let me dremel and / or hull, but her corns always come back, and they seem to get bigger. My other grey is super-snarky when I mess with his corns. I just ordered the corn cream from Murray Apothecary. Even if it doesn't work, at least I will have tried it.


I'm with Greyaholic: I would pay a lot of money to someone who would find a way to make these suckers go away and never come back. Between my two greys, they wear six TheraPaws when we go for walks. It's a pain in the butt sometimes. Last weekend I had to drive around looking for one that got lost when my dog-walker took the dogs out (found it!)


I'm REALLY hoping I see some results with the corn cream.


Did someone say that when using duct tape for corns that a specific brand is required? What brand?

My Vet recommended 3M brand.

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Guest columbus

"Rascals's Mom" - I don't know about that. I never knew there were tablets. We have always used the oil. Before, finding out about "Wart Ade", we had found a specialty store that carried the oil but in a very small bottle and a bit more expensive. The Wart Ade, I believe is just as good, or better because it is formulated for farm animals and not as costly. It works for us.

Where could I buy the Wart Ade. I've got two corndogs and have spent over three hundred dollars to get three corns hulled.

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