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Is This Safe Play?

Guest BellaNala

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Guest BellaNala

As far as I know I think they are both playing, but our greyhound Nala like to open her mouth and put Bella's head in it. She does not bite down or snap, but is this something I should worry about...though it makes me nervous. Bella has yelped a few times...but no bite marks or anything. It looks like she is grasping her head gently not to eat her. I was just wondering what your thoughts were.

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Guest KennelMom

It's play. As for safe...you may have some accidental injuries with both breeds having thin skin and IGs being fairly fragile to begin with. Accidental injuries can escalate quickly, so I'd keep an eye on them closely.

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Guest verthib

As far as I know I think they are both playing, but our greyhound Nala like to open her mouth and put Bella's head in it. She does not bite down or snap, but is this something I should worry about...though it makes me nervous. Bella has yelped a few times...but no bite marks or anything. It looks like she is grasping her head gently not to eat her. I was just wondering what your thoughts were.


I use muzzles....'just play' landed us at the vet with stitches and a $600 vet bill. It's safer for them and less stressful for me.

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Guest mirthlesstroll

Sounds like what my Borzoi puppy Demon, and Greyhound Trent have been doing. I keep an eye on them, and put a stop to playtime if things get too wild.

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I'm sure they're playing, but I know someone who had an IG break a leg just hopping off a piece of furniture, so I'd be very cautious letting one play with a 70 or so pound dog.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Geostar

I would use a muzzle.. The IG's are so quick on their little feet, but, they aren't any match for the larger mouth of a greyhound.

And, it all depends on what these dogs have been trained upon.

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I would use a muzzle.. The IG's are so quick on their little feet, but, they aren't any match for the larger mouth of a greyhound.

And, it all depends on what these dogs have been trained upon.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I would use a muzzle.. The IG's are so quick on their little feet, but, they aren't any match for the larger mouth of a greyhound.

And, it all depends on what these dogs have been trained upon.



Greyhounds are trained with a lure, not a moving animal. As others have said, it sounds like they are playing but an iggy is no match for a greyhound. I'd watch them very carefully.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest verthib

I have to say that training with a lure does not mean they won't go after a moving animal if stimulated enough. We are living with proof of that. Angus typically loves all animals, small dogs, even the cats he lives with. BUT he changes if small dogs and cats start playing, running, etc. He's bit small animals so we always use a muzzle for play. Playing can stimulate behavior in them that doesnt appear when all is calm. I would really recommend using a muzzle. Also, don't forget that a LOT of greys train with a lure but automatically chase cats, squirrels, small dogs, etc....not necessarily to hurt them. They have an instinctual prey drive. My female grey needed stitches because Angus bit her during play. He loves her dearly, but play changes him. I'm sure your dog is playing, but accidents happen. Please be careful.

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I have 2 IGs & a greyhound. They don't play together, but if they did, I would monitor very closely. What you are describing sounds like play, but with the size difference being so great, accidental injuries can happen quickly. My greyhound would never intentionally hurt either of my IGs but when he gets excited just the sheer size of him makes him a danger to them. The IGs quickly learned to steer clear when I get home or I am leashing them up for a walk. ;)


I'm not sure about using a muzzle in this case... as all dogs should be muzzled if any are. I think the best way to handle this is to supervise their play & separate them when you aren't able to do so.

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Guest BellaNala

Thanks for the infomation and I do monitor them closely. I also tell Nala that she needs to be more gentle...and if I need to break them up I do by saying "NO" and she settles down. I believe she is just playing and when I am gone I put her muzzle on for piece of mind for myself.

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