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Not Sure What To Do

Guest mirinaaronsmom

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

OSU sent some of Mojo's chemo meds (vincristine and doxorubicin) and said that they would send the rest when they knew that he was tolerating the treatments for lymphoma. In mid December I emailed Dr. Marin asking for the rest of the meds to be sent and she said the vincristine was on backorder. Since we had enough for the next treatment, she asked that I send a reminder when we truly needed it, 8-10 days prior. So on Jan. 6th I requested that they send the meds if they had them and to let me know when they ship, so that I would know if we needed to get them from another source. She said that she would send the request to the oncology and pharmacy services, and someone would let me know when they shipped. I still haven't heard anything. He was supposed to have his vincristine tomorrow, but no one is responding to my emails. I thought that maybe they were off for the holiday yesterday, but I still haven't heard anything today either. My vet can get the meds from another source, but not by tomorrow. I hate to keep nagging Dr. Marin since they are sending them free of charge, and I know they're busy. I just am not sure what to do. Has anyone else ever experienced this with OSU?

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Guest K9Cookies

I always felt like we were hassling them when we had to email or call the OSU team during Bonnie's chemo for lymphoma. I've talked to Dr. Couto at a couple of greyhound events and he's always assured me that it's not the case. I'd try to call again to see what the status of the vincristine is, and if they can send it.


Good luck. :goodluck I know what a rollercoaster ride it is. Hang in there. :grouphug

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

Well, I called and was told to fill out the consultation form again since Dr. Marin is out of the country for 3 months. Hopefully I'll hear something soon.


Thanks for the replies. It IS a rollercoaster.

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Call again and ask for oncology? You need the meds. You are already working with them. Call, Call, Call


Call again and ask for oncology? You need the meds. You are already working with them. Call, Call, Call


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

My vet was able to get the vincristine needed for this week's treatment. When I picked Mojo up, he said the meds had arrived that morning from OSU. Today I received an email from Dr. Couto apologizing and saying that someone would be contacting me shortly about getting the meds to us. So now I'm really confused. But at least Mojo was able to get his meds and is staying on schedule. That's the important thing. (Now if we could just get his diarrhea under control. :( )

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My vet was able to get the vincristine needed for this week's treatment. When I picked Mojo up, he said the meds had arrived that morning from OSU. Today I received an email from Dr. Couto apologizing and saying that someone would be contacting me shortly about getting the meds to us. So now I'm really confused. But at least Mojo was able to get his meds and is staying on schedule. That's the important thing. (Now if we could just get his diarrhea under control. :( )

Oooo, You got a message from the big man!! I'm sure messages just were crossed "in the mail". How's your boy feeling??

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