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Buddy Has A Corn And Hates His New Boot!

Guest iLoveLucie

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Guest iLoveLucie

I recently found out that our 5 year old boy, Buddy, has a corn on his right rear foot. It was causing him to limp occasionally. Our Vet didn't catch it, so referred us to a surgical specialist who found it and removed it. We took off the bandages yesterday and see that he has a small hole in his pad from where they removed the corn. The specialist recommended using Dr. Scholls corn pads inside as well as a protective boot with extra padding whenever we are walking him outside on hard surfaces.


It's only been a day or 2 but it seems like Buddy is limping more then he did before. The corn pad got really stuck so it took 2 of us to remove it: one to remove the corn pad, one to hold & pet him. Whenever I touch his foot he gets really nervous and often lunges at me; he doesn't bite, but it is clear he is trying to keep me away from his foot. It stinks because Buddy is such a sweet, laid back boy who normally wouldn't hurt a fly but now he is afraid of me when I touch his foot and might snap at me to stop me from hurting him. To be safe we muzzle him when we have to do anything with his foot - clean it, cover it, put on his bootie. Oh and that darn bootie - he hates it! He tries to bite it, he'll limp, he even managed to kick it off on our morning walk. I'm thinking it's just something new/uncomfortable and maybe he'll get used to it. I'm sure it didn't help that it's been raining, so a soggy wet boot probably feels pretty gross for him.


I know corns are an issue for other Greys and can be a long term condition. If anyone has any experience/tips, I'd appreciate it! I don't want my dog to be afraid of me for years and kicking off his boot on every walk!

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Try a padded toddler sock (or two) with a heavy plastic bag over it for when it's wet. You can use some vetwrap around the ankle to keep sock (and plastic bag) in place when you're out and about.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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I've had two so far with corns. I just have my vet hull them every so often. Since the vet tried to remove his and left a hole, it may be painful. Honestly, if he were mine, I'd just do as Jey suggested and use toddler booties or socks and not mess with the foot. It may grow back and it may not.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest BlueCrab

Corns here as well. We tried everything short of surgery, since I had read that surgery often caused more pain than gain and could have a fairly long and involved recovery (as it sounds like you're finding out). We tried Kerasolv ointment, hulling, dremmeling, epsom salt soaks, boots and socks. Trixie is pretty good about her feet, tho, so she'd tolerate both the boots and socks. Boots are only for outdoor use when we're on long hikes or will be on hard surfaces for a period of time - she will pull them off as soon as she gets inside.


What ended up working for us as far as a cure of sorts was duct tape, which we've now been using regularly for at least 2 years. Regular application of tape; corn pulls out after a couple days; no corn for a couple weeks and then it comes back; repeat. Corns develop as the dog ages (we had Trizie for about two years before she got hers) and do come back - at least if you take the non-surgical route - so it's become a way of life for us and we're resigned to it. Since we didn't resort to surgery, I have no experience about long-term recurrance.


Sorry you're encountering problems.

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Guest iLoveLucie

What ended up working for us as far as a cure of sorts was duct tape, which we've now been using regularly for at least 2 years. Regular application of tape; corn pulls out after a couple days; no corn for a couple weeks and then it comes back; repeat.


Did you just put the duck tape on the foot pad with the corn? How long would you keep it on before pulling it off?


Thanks everyone for the kind words and advice. We bought a couple of baby socks that seems to help. I might call my vet about some pain meds in the meantime while he's healing. It really stinks to see him like this - he's limping more then he was before, but maybe it's just in the short term while healing and in the long run he will be better. If anyone has a story about post surgery healing I'd love to hear it!

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You need to introduce the bootie slowly. Give him a treat when you put it on. Keep it on for 5 min., then give him a treat when you take it off. Next time do 10 min, 15 min. etc. Eventually he may associate the bootie with treats and walks & be excited for you to put it on. Quiet Man had a corn and the bootie was the only thing that brought him comfort. He soon learned that the bootie meant a walk and he slid hid foot into it willingly!

Good luck

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
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Guest Adrianne

I think probably he's hurting from the removal and will be better in another day or two. Chevy always limped a bit more just after I would hull his corn.

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Guest mirinaaronsmom

I had Miri's corns removed surgically (both of her right feet) and by the time the sutures healed (a couple of weeks), the corns were both back. So the poor thing never got any relief. I'll never go that route again. The one on her back foot is on the side, so it doesn't bother her quite as much as the front foot. Now we're doing the duct tape, which doesn't seem to do much either. I have a hard time keeping the tape on and I've never had it pull the corns out when it does stick. We've been alternating between that and bee propolis. My vet also suggested Tagamet in conjunction with the bee propolis (I have no idea what that does, but it hasn't hurt). The corn does seem to have shrunk a bit, but it still hurts her and we use a boot on walks. We've also tried the Murray Ave. cream, Abreva, corn pads and I regularly dremel them down. Thankfully, she's always been a real sweetie about letting me attend to her feet (she gets belly rubs before and after which she loves). She also gets a bit of hot dog every time I put the boot on. I'm sorry your pup (or any pup) has to go through this. Corns are awful.

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