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Limping After A Stumble

Guest summernights

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Guest summernights

Gem took a tumble down the last couple of stairs on Tuesday. I didn't notice any limping on Tuesday when I took her out, and my husband didn't specifically mention anything about her limping on Wednesday (although he tends to forget to mention things). When I took her out on Thursday, she was definitely favoring her left front leg, and had trouble getting comfortable when laying down - getting up after laying down for just a minute several times, panting. This morning she yelped while I was showering, and was laying on her bed whimpering. The vet had given us a prescription for Tramadol last time she tumbled down the stairs and was sore after, so I gave her one and told the husband to give her another before he went to work. Since I've been home, she's had trouble getting comfortable, but has eventually found a position that works.


Is there any reason that I should be worried that this is anything beyond a soft tissue injury caused by her tumble? Her eating/drinking/potty habits are the same as always.


The only other factors that might be relevant is that she's been off her trilostane for two days (we're adjusting the dose and the compounding pharmacy was slow), and it's been quite cold here for the past few days.


I'm going to give the vet a call tomorrow and see about getting a prescription for a NSAID.


My poor old girl :(

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Ow, poor baby. If she were mine my suspicion would be that it is related to the fall. I think a vet visit is in order to help narrow down the possibilities & as a precaution. Injuries can show up worse a day or two after the incident but I would think by Friday things would have stopped progressing & likely even a bit better. Not necessarily but after three days I'd want a vet to take a peek.


Hope it's just a sprain or other mild thing the improves over the weekend. Good luck.

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