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Newly Adopted Greyhound... Help!

Guest Arielle

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Guest mcsheltie

Maybe she had to pee. When I run mine after a lay off from it they tank up on water when they get home. Then of course they have to go out sooner than usual.


This has probably been mentioned, but obedience work really tires them out. The mental simulation tires them out more so than running. Five to ten minutes of it goes a long way.


Look at it this way. She is helping you to be a good vet. Vets are often called upon to deal with behavioral problems. She is furthering your education!

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Guest Arielle

Thanks for all the great advice everyone! I will definitely try for more mental stimulation during the day when I'm gone. It's really weird because every night around 7:30 without fail Ari passes out on her bed and is dead asleep for the rest of the night. This happens even on days when I'm stuck at school late and don't have time to walk her. She NEVER paces at night, only when I'm home during the day like today. I'm super happy that she sleeps through the night, but I just can't figure out what it is about me being home during the day that makes her so anxious.


I feed her twice a day, two cups in the morning around sixish and two at night around five-thirtyish. Does that sound like a good amount? She was super-thin when I first got her and seems to have gained weight since then, so I don't think I'm starving her. She was just at the vet to get stitches after a dog attack last week, but she is going again in two weeks to get her teeth cleaned so I will ask the vet then if he thinks anything medical could be causing the pacing and whining.


Thanks again to everyone!


Maybe she had to pee. When I run mine after a lay off from it they tank up on water when they get home. Then of course they have to go out sooner than usual.


This has probably been mentioned, but obedience work really tires them out. The mental simulation tires them out more so than running. Five to ten minutes of it goes a long way.


Look at it this way. She is helping you to be a good vet. Vets are often called upon to deal with behavioral problems. She is furthering your education!



That's very true, and a good positive outlook on things!

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Guest mcsheltie

Thanks for all the great advice everyone! I will definitely try for more mental stimulation during the day when I'm gone. It's really weird because every night around 7:30 without fail Ari passes out on her bed and is dead asleep for the rest of the night. This happens even on days when I'm stuck at school late and don't have time to walk her. She NEVER paces at night, only when I'm home during the day like today. I'm super happy that she sleeps through the night, but I just can't figure out what it is about me being home during the day that makes her so anxious.


Because you have upset what little schedule she does have! In the blood donor program they are very regimented. More so than at the track. The more you are home during the day the more she will get used to it. Then she'll get upset when you aren't home! :lol Basically you had it right in one of your first posts, don't over think it. Do the best you can and it will be fine! I whine all the time and no listens to me :P

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There is nothing wrong with teaching her to stop whining!


Some dogs just believe that it's all about them. I personallly would not have suggested getting any dog while a full time student living alone--but now that you've got her, I expect you can make it work! You don't have to pay attention to her all the time, and she needs to learn that. The exercise seems adequate to me, and make make time for some special time before you hit the books. And then you need to teach her that she can't get your attention any time she wants it. Not unlike a whiney child. My dog more or less understands "go lie down." If he's bugging me, that's what I have him do. Go lay on his bed.



I live alone and work full time, but when I'm home, it's pretty much George time. There are times, however, when he drives me NUTS and that's when he is sent to his bed (where he stares at me until he falls asleep).


Depending on her size, that may be too much food. George weighs 64 pounds, and he gets half the amount you're feeding, plus treats. He also goes about 2 miles a day.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest happygrey

Hi everyone! I am a new greyhound owner and new to this forum. Unfortunately, I am having some issues with my new pup. I am a first year veterinary student, and despite the craziness of my schedule, I made a rash and somewhat stupid decision and adopted my grey, Ari, about two months ago. Ari is four and a half years old, and she was being used as a blood donor at the animal hospital at my school. The guy that is in charge of the greyhounds at the school assured me that greyhounds are extremely lazy and this one would make the perfect pet for someone who doesn't have a lot of time.


Well, since I brought her home, the opposite has proved to be true. Ari has a LOT of energy, and when I come home exhausted from eight hours of class she paces through the house and whimpers unless I pet or play with her, despite me taking her for an hour long walk when I first get home. This is seriously cutting into my study time and has already affected my grade on a quiz, and I also feel extremely guilty that I don't have more time to spend with her. I know that she's never been in a house before and this a BIG adjustment for her, but I'm just worried because I was told it would take a max of three week for her to settle in, and it's been two months with no sign that she's calming down.


Another big problem that I'm having is her aggression. I try to take her to the dog park once or twice a week so she can run and get some energy out. She seems to LOVE going. She gets super excited and seems really happy running around with the other dogs. However, as soon as another dog does anything physical to her like jumping (even if it's only playing) or bumping into her, she instantly goes into attack mode. A few days ago this resulted in a fight and I had to take her to the vet to get stitches.


I'm at my wits end. I love this dog, but should I try to find another home for her with someone with more time to devote (this would make me very sad)? Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this novel!

I'm sorry to say that whoever told you it would take a max of 3 weeks to settle in had no idea what they were talking about. That's crazy. Her life has been turned upside down and she's still figuring things out. She's whining because of it. She may very well want more attention too. It's good you are walking her, and taking her to a place to run (but not a dog park) but she may need more attention (obedience training, learning some tricks, grooming with a massage mitt) to help her settle & bond with you. But mostly she probably needs more time. 3 weeks, or even 2 months is nothing. Greyhounds are sort of like onions, they take a long time to unravel into their full selves. I think many of them need a solid year before you are really seeing who the dog truly is and many more need even more time!


It sounds like you are doing your best to be a great dog owner but if it feels overwhelming right now to take on a dog you may want to consider rehoming her sooner rather than later. As someone else mentioned, you may have found your breed, but just not your dog. I can't imagine taking on a new dog with the school demands you've described -- it would be too much for me. But then again, there are those here who say they've done it...

Edited by happygrey
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