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Addison's Diesase

Guest shelbud

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Guest shelbud

If anyone has a hound, especially an older male, that is diagnosed with Addison's Disease, I would appreciate hearing from you. I'm particularly interested in symptoms, treatment and effectiveness of treatment. I've done a bunch of research on the web but it's not the same as learning from one with firsthand experience.




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Guest KennelMom

No experience with Addisons...we have a dog with the opposite problem, Cushings. Hopefully others will have some experience to share with you...

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i had a scottie w/ addison's disease, pm me for more info. he was diagnosed at 2.5yrs of age and lived an additional 10 years. must have been doing something right.


just saw that you can not pm...so....


precortin does not work as well as the combo of flornieff, predisone and salt(tried both). you can tweek the later combo, the first wears off in less than a month. high salt diet, lots of water and keeping the hound in moderate temps. is essential. we only did one or two blood work ups since it was obvious as to whether or not the drug combo was correct(and it's easy to tweek). salty pretzles were the treat of choice, gatorade when it was hot and my dog was stressed(we took him camping until he reached 9 or so, then he couldn't take the heat-anything above 85). he lived a pretty normal life, coat and skin goes down hill w/ the use of drugs.the water and urination are the most difficult thing to deal w/, but the urine has little concentration. also florneiff is much cheaper in canada!!

Edited by cleptogrey
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precortin does not work as well as the combo of flornieff, predisone and salt(tried both). you can tweek the later combo, the first wears off in less than a month.

Which option works best depends on the individual dog. The last 2 cases I've treated for Addison's were managed on Percorten injections and pred, and both did very well. Both lived a normal lifespan, years after diagnosis, and were euthanized for health problems unrelated to the Addison's. For some dogs, the Percorten injections don't last the full month. For other dogs, it can actually last a little longer than a month. You can tweak the Percorten dose and frequency too. Been a while since I priced it out, but I believe in the US, the cost ended up about the same for Florinef vs. Percorten.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest greydogluvr

I have a 55 lb basset mix (Clementine in siggie) with Addison's. She is on the percorten/prednisone regiment. This lasts approximately 25 days for her. Just had blood drwan yesterday because she appeared a bit lethargic, not herself. Her potassium was high and her sodium was low. We upped her pred and now are waiting. Up until yesterday we had not had any complications.


The cost of the injection for her size is approx 140.00. She has been pretty stable since her diagnosis which turned into a crisis before we got a correct diagnosis. Typically she is a sweet, loving girl, but as the time for injection nears she tends to become a bit grumpy and seeks out cool spots. We know we have to get her in right away at that point. You will get to know your dog's patterns of behavior.


I believe that I would rather have to treat Addison's than Cushings. Good luck


ETA- her symptoms prior to diagnosis were lethargy, gastrointestinal upset, weak hind legs, poor appetite. It was true for us that Addison's tends to mask itself as other medical conditions. We treated all the symptoms (with vet support, of course) but I knew there was a real problem when her hind legs became weak.

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just checked the price of florneif in canada, ( i used generics w/o a problem) i think it's still cheaper and pretty easy to regulate. wow, precorten is just about 2xs the price. i wonder if it's cheaper across the border. in the states we deal w/ drug companies who will not give up their license to the product and literaly have a monopoly. went thru that first w/ flornief then w/ zyrtec. i used to buy generic zyrtec from canada since i could not afford the american $$$ drug. what we put up w/ :angryfire

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