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Muscle Cramp, Spasm?

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I was getting dressed this morning after a shower and Cody was laying on my bed doing some cleaning maintenance on himself, then he rolled over to take care of the other side and then started kicking his rear leg out and biting behind his knee. He does goofy things and those two have happened in the past but the leg isn't stopping moving so I get concerned. He tries to get up but has a hard time putting the leg under him. I get him off the bed and lay him on the floor and start to massage the leg and muscles. I'm not sure if it helped or not because every time he would get up he'd walk a few steps and then kick his leg out again and need to sit down. He was putting weight on it but it would just flail out suddenly. I finally calmed him down and called my vet, she was in another emergency but said she would call me back. I had Cody on the floor and was rubbing him and his leg it was still kicking and shaking. When things seemed to calm down a little he got up and was walking on it but was still having the spasms with it. Finally he laid back down and the spams were getting further apart until they just stopped. He was up and walking around like nothing happened. The vet called me back and is going on the cramp/spasm theory. If it happens again we'll be making a visit. The whole episode was probably 10-15 minutes long. I stayed home for another couple of hours to make sure he was ok and then went out and ran my errands.


I've seen cramps where they don't want to stand on it or are limping, but never a full out spasm like that. Anyone ever seen anything like that? Idea what the causes are? Neurological comes to mind, but he was very alert and otherwise active. Seemed like whatever it was, was behind his knee because that is where he kept biting/nipping.


This just after we recovered from whatever eye/mouth infection he had. Aye yai yai.

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Sounds like maybe his leg might have been asleep? Like when you are laying on your arm funny and it gets tingly and a little numb?


Interesting theory, he was laying on that leg before it happened so it could of gone numb but I don't think it would of cause this.



Was it painful?? Sometimes they can have a root signature problem- but, that's usually painful. The only another thing I can think it may have been was a clot. Our hounds love to throw clots.

Hopefully, it was nothing more than a passing cramp!


It didn't seem painful at all. I was rubbing and massaging his leg and I think he whined once when I squeezed too hard. I was able to move his leg from collapsed to extended, but ever so often it would kick and shake.

Edited by snowjay
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Hypothyroidism can cause muscle cramps and spasms. I know because I get them, usually in the wee hours of the morning. Here's an endocrinology link that discusses it:

http://www.endocrineweb.com/conditions/thyroid/hypothyroidism-too-little-thyroid-hormone Yeah, I know, this is about people, but... When dealing with a non-English-speaking species, I take my hints where I find them. So I thought I'd mention it.





Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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  • 9 months later...
Guest Champsmom

did you ever find out what caused this ??



This just happend with Champ this morning , he is getting older so I assume he will have some issues , but now that I read about the sleeping part it may have been it too ,but I could visably see the leg spazing ...I read a few other posts about possibilitys , he seems well otherwise so I may add some suppliments to his food and keep an eye out for a few days but if it gets worse I am calling the vet

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No official diagnosis, the doc thinks it was just a cramp spasm. It hasn't happened again.

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