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Frankenstein’S Dog

Guest Nuthatch

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Guest Nuthatch

So Sable dislocates her toe last Monday, she was just in the back garden running around. The first vet we see says it really bad and needs to be amputated.


On the Wednesday (surgery day) we chat to a more experienced greyhound vet and see says she’ll see what she can do to keep the toe. The mighty vet saves the toe, hooo rahhh!!!!!! We get a dog pretty in a purple bandage.


On the Monday (yesterday) we have a really nice snuggerly evening, go out for that final pee. I am really looking forward to my bed. The other half is really looking forward to beddie bye bye time. As usual take them into the front garden then into the back. Ranger goes to his preferred pee and poop locations. I am stood by the hebe, just the same as usual. Sable goes to look into the living room through the patio doors. She is hard done by. She has been mercilessly brought out into the night from the comfort of the sofa and can see those sofas through the window. My attention is caught by the swaying pine to the back of the garden and BAM, Sable is screaming.


She is jittering her rear bandaged leg. The air turns blue with my swearing as I assume she has stumbled and knocked her toe out again. I give her a hug and usher her into the house to see what can be done. My other half meets us in the hall looks down at her, turns green and nearly gips. She has a 3inch gash, not bleeding in her ‘armpit’. It is a mystery as to how this happened, but most likely stumbled and hit the corner of a stepped brick wall.


Straight in the car to the emergency vets and she gets seven staples! Whatever will happen next?


My work college said today that we were the worst example of greyhound owners! Cheeky beggar.


Here is a dog in a cone of shame.



Edited by Nuthatch
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Poor pretty girl! I feel half that pain- Kevin broke a toe last Wednesday. I keep worrying about another accident now that he is motoring around on 3 legs. But who could see a gash coming? I hope things quiet down! Give her a kiss on the snoot for us!


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