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Dew Claw & Benadryl

Guest Sweetee

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Guest Sweetee

Poor Mary! Last week she was running at the dog park and Ms. Klutz cut a corner and wiped out. I saw it happen, but she got up right away and didn't cry or limp. However, after we got home, I noticed that her left front dew claw was bent our at a 90degree angle to her leg. While a little sensitive, she didn't seem to be bothered by it. None-the-less, I loaded her up and took her to the vet. They looked at her in the lobby and pronounced it either a broken "toe" or a torn tendon. I asked it it should be taped down. The vet asked if she'd leave the tape-job alone and of course the answer was "no," so she said it wouldn't do much good. The vet said that the nail will eventually fall off. She looked at her other toes and informed me that she has at various times in her "brood mama" life, she had broken at least 3 different toes. Hence the nickname, klutz! She seems to be doing ok with it, but it still is tender if she snags it on the carpet, leash or furniture. Today, she has started scratching quite a bit. She gets Frontline+ monthly, but I did start her on 50mg of Benadryl every 8 hours. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

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With time it will heal. One of my girls just broke her "pinkie" toe. Nothing to be done but just try to keep her quiet. My vet offered the splint but when we talked about it we decided it was just asking for trouble since she isn't bothering it. A bit of a limp but we've even discontinued the pain pills.


As for the scratching; has she got fleas, dry skin, allergies? If she has fleas I don't know that the benedryl will do any good; it is the flea biting that causes them to scratch. How close are you to the time to reapply the frontline+? Or you could get some diatamius (spelling) earth and rub it into her coat to help out until time to frontline again.

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Guest Sweetee

Thanks for the reply. We Frontline and do heartworm preventative on the 1st of each month. I would think it too early to reapply yet. We haven't seen any fleas on Mary. Her daughter, Little Bear, along with the cats are not showing any symptoms. The weather guy said that this past weekend was the worst in our area for allergies all summer. I guess we'll do the "wait and see" for a bit before contributing any more to my vet's kid's college fund.

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If you took her to the vet, and shortly thereafter she started itching, it's possible she has a hitch hiker!


I've never missed a dose of Frontline Plus, but George still brought home some of the little bastards the last two times I took him to Nantucket.


My point? It's not 100% effective, and a vets office would be a prime place to pick up a flea!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Sweetee

Good news I guess. We saw the vet this AM and she suspects environmental allergies. Our other pup and the cats are showing no signs. She said she's seeing a bunch in the last week or so. Course of treatment is a tapering Prednisone dose and 2x50mg Benedryl. She wanted to quell the itching and give her some comfort ASAP. Hopefully the itching will cease and we can work our way out of this. It has been extremely dry lately. We had a good rain this AM, so maybe the culprits will be washed away. Thanks to all for input and suggestions.

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