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Senior Anal Incontinence

Guest arlosmom

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Guest arlosmom

My eleven year old Arlo is getting down in his back. We are giving him rimadyl daily. Recently he has started pooping in the house. He leaves a trail of very firm pieces all the way to the door if I don't wake up when he does in the morning. I have also noticed that he does not squat any more to do his poo. He just waddles across the yard leaving a trail behind him. Luckily they are firm and easy to pick up. What do any of you do to cope with this issue? Any suggestions would be helpful.

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Guest greybookends

Debbie Tasha before we let her go used to have sleep turds. Like Arlos they were firm so I just picked them up and let her know i knew she didn't do it on purpose. give Arlo i scritch for me.

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Guest arlosmom

Might want to give gabapentin along with the rimadyl to see if that helps.

I have thought of that we are giving it to our senior girlwho does not have this issue but does have arthritis but haven't done it yet with Arlo. It is so hard to tell how much pain they are in and I don't want to give them too many medicines if I can help it.

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Guest avadogner

Has you vet evaluated your hound for Lumbar Stenosis or Cauda Equina? Ava was diagnosed this summer with it. She has had issues with instability in her rear legs for 3 yrs. Initially.she dignosed with a congenital hip defect (flattemed femur head) and given the whole Ortho eval. They placed her on Rymadyl and joint supplements.


This past winter, Ava started having trouble with her rear legs giving out when climbing any steps. Her pain was much worse she had yo br picked up to get in my bed or to travel on stairs. Our Diva was humiliated to be carried around especially in front of Augie her minion.This let to.Ortho visist round 2 amd meds were changed.to Tramadol and Mobic.


Come May, Ava is knuckling her feet, unable to feel sharp gumballs that get stuck in her pads. Then total loss of bodily functioms. She is well trainned to the dog door but poor girl can't up her feet to get out. Our ortho finlly diagnosed it s Lumbar Stenois which causes the nreves to deterioate. We took her off the Mobic, started steroids (after a spinal imjection done at Orho's Vet Hospital, contimued the Tramadol but now 2x day. After 3 weeks into the new regimen (includes makmg both hounds go out every 3 hours) we are seeing improvememt. We were told it progresses ffast once bowel control.is lot bit reducing the inflamation in her lumbar vertebrae has helped. She can dostepps ig tjere are less thn 5 and occasional walks with us. She still has occasional #2 accidents amd we think that due to her deep sleepimg, she just can't get on her feet fast enough. We don't have much time left so we are keepimg her happy and comfortable. We will let her go when she is no longer happy.


To plan/deal with months of accidents, we bought a giant indoor/outdoor garden rug from.Ballards. it can be hosed off and chosing a chocolate color helps. We treat accidents with Nature's Miracle. I bought 4 new Ortho Foam dog beds that has oitdoor fabric on it. We went further to Scotch Guard them. We keep old beach towels over the foor in areas where accidents happen most. We love baby wipes for cleanimg paws who stepped in then#2 too. By feeding a good high quality food (Blue Bufallo Salmon GF) helps keep the poo firm and less messy.

Sorry to ramble on too.

Best wishes for quixkly finding your hounds source,

Ava & augie's Mum

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