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Won't Eat Much

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Not sure whether to post this in Medical or Food, but here goes.


I've fed Tracker TOTW (3 cups a day) since we've got him a little over a year ago, plus 2/3lb frozen raw meat per day. Whenever I changed the flavors of either, there never was a problem. Recently, I switched the kibble to Evo red meat, just to give him a wider range of food sources. He had no problem with that. Then, ca 2 weeks into that, I started to gradually switch from frozen raw to the Honest Kitchen (dehydrated), just because I was tired of messing with the chubs. Just as I was beginning to make the transition from raw to HK, I gave Tracker a cow hoof (for dogs). He vomited up a splinter the following night. No more of those hooves for him. Then, two nights later, he vomited up several pieces of a knuckle bone type body part (for dogs). No more of that, either. He's had this in the past that he was a little less hungry after he's vomited up things, but he would always go back to his normal appetite within two days or so. Now, however, this has persisted for a week: he hardly touches the kibble (and I even bought a different Evo flavor to see whether that was the problem, and he ate that, initially w/o problems); and while he seemed to like HK initially, now he'll only eat it (but pretty decent portions of it), if I either hand feed it to him or stick the bowl under his nose. Plus, he's always eaten in the morning and in the evening; now he won't touch anything, even hand fed, before ca 2pm.


I'm ready to take him to the vet now. He's been there a fair number of times for a variety of things and it's ALWAYS been false alarm. That's why I've waited for 6-7 days now. And he'll ultimately still eat about 2/3 of his regular amounts, just at these really odd times, and only when I bring it to him.


In EVERY other way his behavior and energy level are completely normal. He's 4.5 years old. No other changes.


I'm wondering whether there could still be a splinter in his tummy. But he shows no signs of discomfort. Or can eating habits change greatly in such a short time? Or is he just suddenly grossed out by the different food, some of which he's eaten w/o problems so far?


At any rate, I'll call the vet tomorrow, but I was wondering what other peoples' experience has been.


Oh yes, and his bowel movements etc are normal, also.

Edited by christinepi
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I don't think there is a time when I wish they could talk to us more than when they go off their feed. sigh. It could be so many things, from him deciding he doesn't like one of the new foods, to an obstruction, to the heat. I think a vet visit is a good idea. :bighug

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