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Limping Dog

Guest firegypsy

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Guest firegypsy

On Friday we went to a large fenced in area and played quite a bit. Everyone was happy, bouncy and glad to be exercising. We went home and hung out, took a walk etc. and all was well. Then when it came time for dinner, Darby was limping. Not bad, but noticeably. By the time they had their evening walk she was no worse, but no better. I have no idea what happened. I was with them the whole time. There was no whimper or yelp.


This morning my husband walked them and said she wouldn't put any weight on the leg at all. This concerned me quite a bit, but I didn't want to get her up just to see for myself. I checked out her leg, and didn't see any issues. She didn't guard it at all, either. I gave her some homeopathic arnica for muscle sprains and strains every hour or so. The next time she got up she was walking with a barely noticeable limp, but it was still there. I continued to give the arnica, and she'd get worse or better throughout the day. If I saw her getting worse I'd give her the arnica and that *seemed* to help.


Pooping was hard for her, but peeing was not. She happily went on walks, but I notice when she stretches it's not her full streeeeeeeeeeetch. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe it's her BACK that's the issue rather than her leg.


I'm going to take her in Monday so long as she continues to be able to walk on it (I'm with her all day and I've not seen her refuse to bear weight.) If it gets worse we'll go to emergency care. I'm just suprised that whatever happened was silent. It wasn't even like she slipped-I would have noticed that. She's a velcro dog and was with me all afternoon and evening yesterday.


Any thoughts? I'm kind of at a loss here. My poor pup! :(

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JUST brought my corgi in for the exact same thing. Out after dinner on Friday. Was fine before. Limping after. No incident that I saw. No whine or whimper. Nothing between her toes. Limping worse this morning so off to the vet. He thinks a sprain of some sort and prescribed an NSAID. Said to keep her quite for a week or so.

Hoping it's nothing for your baby. A sprain is an easy fix!!

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Guest firegypsy

JUST brought my corgi in for the exact same thing. Out after dinner on Friday. Was fine before. Limping after. No incident that I saw. No whine or whimper. Nothing between her toes. Limping worse this morning so off to the vet. He thinks a sprain of some sort and prescribed an NSAID. Said to keep her quite for a week or so.

Hoping it's nothing for your baby. A sprain is an easy fix!!



thank you-me too! It was the same deal this morning. Limping upon rising, tail between legs. I gave the arnica and after about a half an hour she was barely limping at all and actually did her first stretch. I'm thinking it is muscular at this point, but I'm watching.


I'm glad your corgi is okay! I'm in CT too!

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Guest Stripeyfan

Kelly did this a couple of weeks ago. He was playing at a friend's house, leaping around like an idiot, and the next day he started limping when we were out walking. He does have an old injury to one leg (our vet thinks he may have broken it when he was younger) and I couldn't see any evidence of corns or a pad injury, so, suspecting a strain, I restricted his exercise for a week, and the limp cleared up by itself. Hope Darby feels better soon.

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I agree it sounds like a sprain. I've learned that when for whatever reason (ie: recent hot weather) my girls don't get their usual exercise I can't let them run without a warm-up. I think, just like us, they can cause injuries to themselves when they have not been as active as usual.


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<<don't get their usual exercise I can't let them run without a warm-up. I think, just like us, they can cause injuries to themselves when they have not been as active as usual.>>


So true! My Peggy had to be grounded earlier this summer when she grazed her back leg getting out of the car. Greyhounds abhor not being allowed to run, and she managed to sneak the occasional zoomies around the the back yard; when I got wise to that she got her digging gear going again and in hard dry compacted soil with roots from Rosebushes and Rowans that is not a good idea. She always has had a slightly less than perfect front leg and so I don't let her off leash until she's had a warm up. The digging of course caused it to get sore again.

Now the weather isn't so hot or humid (I don't let mine run hard if it's over 60 and no running at all if over 75), she can get back to the park running again, and maybe go back to the beach in September when the holidaymakers have stopped infesting it.

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Guest firegypsy

yes, the warming up thing makes sense. that is if you aren't as thick headed as I am. :rolleyes:


I'm going to watch her. She's doing the same today-sometimes not putting weight on it, other times really favoring it. I'm guessing a strain/sprain as well. Poor pupper! Thanks for the feedback. It really just helps to talk it through with others who are just as in love with their friends. :)

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JUST brought my corgi in for the exact same thing. Out after dinner on Friday. Was fine before. Limping after. No incident that I saw. No whine or whimper. Nothing between her toes. Limping worse this morning so off to the vet. He thinks a sprain of some sort and prescribed an NSAID. Said to keep her quite for a week or so.

Hoping it's nothing for your baby. A sprain is an easy fix!!



thank you-me too! It was the same deal this morning. Limping upon rising, tail between legs. I gave the arnica and after about a half an hour she was barely limping at all and actually did her first stretch. I'm thinking it is muscular at this point, but I'm watching.


I'm glad your corgi is okay! I'm in CT too!



Glad it seems like it's working out! Where in CT?

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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A couple of years ago Ali started limping occasionally, usually after a race around the yard. He was about 9 at the time, the vet said it was probably arthritis from all the beating their joints take at the track. He started Ali on a small dose of prednisone every other day, and glucosomine supplements. Ali hasn't limped since.

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