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Broken Toe? Any Input?

Guest Flysmom

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Guest Flysmom

I threw the Jolly Ball yesterday and Poncho hurt himself when he connected with the ball and fence. He just yelped once and started to limp. The limp was worse on and off all day yesterday and today. A few minutes ago he went outside and Maxine da Pug slipped out and somehow he tripped and then lifted his paw up...


He was walking ok on his paws, he 'just' limped. No panting, GSOD, being his happy self... I am allowed to touch his leg all the way down to his paw, but when I gently try to massage his toes he pulls his paw away. (He is one of those Greyhounds who will use the GSOD when the sees the nailclipper, so I am surprised I am allowed to touch his paw). No swelling visible and paw feels the same temp as the others. Could that be a broken toe or is something just sprained? If his limping is not better by Monday I will take him to the vet.


In the meantime I would really appreciate some input from you all! Please!

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If any of the toes are not swollen or out of place it might not be a break, or might be a break but one you really can't do much about. Splinting for broken or dislocated toes an be an exercise in futility.


You might wait until he's relaxed and see if you can feel up inside his foot, between the large pad and his toes, for a foreign body or stick poking him. Otherwise I would take a wait and see approach.


BTW, when Dude broke his toe, I never knew it until we came up on the deck to go inside and it's dripping blood all over. He never made a peep.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Could be bunch of things - soft tissue injury, break, etc. Watch for swelling or worsening of the limp. I usually give it to the next day and if they are still limping, we're off to the vet - a course of anti-inflammatories sometimes is needed.


If it is broken, I have usually gone the soft wrap route over a hard splint. I had one case where he had managed to break it right at the knuckle and there was concern that the bone chip could make it's way into the joint space and cause issue - that's the only time we did a hard splint.


These guys can be pretty stoic when it comes to injuries (I know it's not a bad injury if there's a GSOD, around here :rolleyes:) so the fact that he's not making a huge fuss isn't necessarily a good indicator of how he's really feeling.

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest Flysmom

Thank you Chris and Bauers Mom! I really appreciate the input.


I honestly think that it is a soft tissue injury and time will heal it, he is not getting worse. I keep watching and will take him in if he gets worse or not better...

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Guest zoolaine

Zali broke her toe when she was about 5 months old. No idea how - just limping on and off for a day or so. I opted to not cast it as I had read many stories of the casts or hard splints causing pressure sores, which was especially a concern since she was still growing. But something to think about if it does end up needing a cast or splint. Zali just "rested" not easy for a puppy, for a few weeks and has been fine since.


I would try to ice it if he will let you, then just wait and see.

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Guest BillF

My boy Tip broke his toe last year going outside to go to the bathroom (why yes - I am embarrassed).


I never heard him make any noise, he just limped around. The next day wasn't any better so I took him to the vet. Nothing was swollen. The vet manipulated each of his toes and Tip didn't react in any way. He said he thought if anything was broken he would have yelped. I offered to pay for an x-ray anyway and he did have a broken toe.


We tried one of those spoon splints but it was a royal pain. I only left it on half the time. I also got some pain meds.


My advice is have the vet check it. Get some pain meds if necessary and skip the splint.


I've seen Tip bump into the coffee table running around the house, yelp loudly, limp for all of 30 seconds, then continue playing. It's odd he was so stoic when he was really hurt.


Good Luck


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Ali broke a toe once when he was running around the yard and took a sharp turn. He screamed bloody murder and wouldn't move, just stood in the middle of the yard holding his paw up. We tipped him onto his side and ran in the house to get the car keys and rush him to the vet. As soon as he heard the car keys he got all excited and was running around the yard again, so we didn't think it could be that serious. We mentioned it to the vet the next time we went in, and she said there's nothing you can really do for broken toes.

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Guest Swifthounds

I second whoever recommended a soft bandAge and leash walking over a hard splint - splints just replace one problem with 3 or 4.

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Guest Flysmom

Thank you all for the great info!!! I really, really appreciate it!!


He stopped limping yesterday after I stopped being paranoid and checking his paw all the time. I honestly have to admit that I nearly drove everybody nuts in this house... My Fly started to limp, after trying to lie down and I lost him to Fibrosarcoma 6 weeks later... The second he started to limp this irrational fear set in, whether I saw him connect with the fence or not. Crazy I know....

I still restrict him from going crazy in the back yard and leave his paw alone...

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